View Full Version : M1D competitive in vintage sniper?
I have my M1D from cmp, got it in 1996 when they were selling them complete.
My question is, are they competitive in vintage sniper at camp Perry?
It has set in the safe since 96, unfired, as it has a new barrel and I couldn't bring myself
to shoot it. I have been away from shooting because of health problems.
If possible, I would like to try to get in shape for next year and shoot in all four games.
Opinions please?
Not really, if your goal is to win. They would have to be fully bedded and unitized to shoot with the bolt actions which isn't legal per the current rules.
They can make a decent showing though and will be fun to shoot.
Jim in Salt Lake
07-24-2014, 09:39
Compete against yourself and try to find all the other M1D shooters! One of the things I wish they would do when posting scores is also post the type of rifle/scope used. All it would take is another line on the score card. Going to one of these matches is kind of like going to a car show, lots to look at and talk about.
Ok, I guess I'll leave the M1D in the safe for now. Are any of the 'repo' 1903A4s that are out better than the others?
Jim in Salt Lake
07-24-2014, 03:43
The repo A4s I've seen use a Leatherwood Chinese copy of M73B1 (Weaver 330c). I've got a Weaver 330, same scope without click adjustments. It's pretty dim and it's sitting in a drawer. Look at page 46 of the CMP rules: For the 1903A4, they allow you to use a Weaver K2.5, which is a much better scope. Has coated lenses, and a 1" tube.
07-25-2014, 04:27
Here's my take on the M1D in vintage sniper rifle competition. Bolt rifles have a distinct advantage because the shooter doesn't have to get out of position to reload. Remember you are single loading in this match. The M84 scope has a poor reticle design for use with bullseye targets especially when applying "Kentucky windage" - a fine crosshair reticle is much better. The M84 does have very convenient windage and elevation adjustment knobs. As mentioned earlier, theoretically, a bolt gun has an accuracy advantage due to more rigid construction. However, I've seen some M1D's with new tight stocks and new barrels that were excellent shooters. When all is said, the bolt gun is a better choice but you can still shoot well with a good M1D - it's just tougher. Rick
I run a vintage sniper match at my club. An M1D has won it twice this year. Once with the M84 and once with a K4 in a one inch mount. We shoot steel up to 700 yards. The M1D can compete.
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