View Full Version : SRS Info request..
Would anyone have info on the following? SN #338414 I believe it is an 1888 with the round rod bayonet. Receiver is stamped 1884 but the bayonet catch is the 1888 style, it does have the Buffington rear sight. Thank you very much for any help...
07-29-2014, 06:19
Close..................But no luck
338413 84R 1898 Co G 9th USV Inf
338415 84R 1898 Co G 9th USV Inf
338416 84R 1898 Co G 9th USV Inf
Dick Hosmer
07-29-2014, 06:47
That is an interesting serial number to have a rod-bayonet. Definitely isn't one of the "normal" (500,000+) ones, yet is too high to be a converted M1884 experimental. Almost has to be some form of rebuild - is there a dated cartouche on left wrist? ALL so-called 1888s have 1884-dated blocks, and the Buffington sight, so no clues there.
Yes the Cartouche on the wrist is dated 1886, the stock has a few repairs and has been varnished but the markings on it are still clear and it doesn't appear to have been sanded down to any degree. The only other anomaly was the firing pin had been cut as if someone wanted to render it safe maybe, all else appears to be as original. I originally thought it was an '84 experimental and thought I hit pay dirt as I purchased it from an estate auction for the paltry sum of $400....
I will get some pictures tonight and post tomorrow..
Dick Hosmer
07-29-2014, 07:39
Does the wood between bands fit tightly around the rod bayonet, or is it the usual great hogged-out trench of the 1888?
That s/n is correct for 1886, so there is a match there, and you can make an 88 stock from an 84XRB, though not vice-versa. I guess there is a bare possibility that it might be a converted 84XRB, though the highest number known so far is 321300. At any rate, you still made a good buy.
The wood is definitely not tight around the bayonet not sure I would call it hogged out but will definitely get pics tonight. The bayonet catch is definitely the 1888 style and not the flatter straight one of the 84XRB
Ok don't hate me seems I was mistaken on a few details as my poor tired eyes are not as good as the computer pictures show. The SN is actually 339414 Also the date on the stock looks more like 1887 or possibly 1884? Hard to tell... here are the pics.... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Here are a few more.. ( ( (
Dick Hosmer
07-29-2014, 09:28
I cannot explain your rifle, beyond saying that it must be the result of an overhaul (probably a perfectly legit one - rifle does not appear to be a bubba) at some point in time.
Aside from the serial number it is pure typical late M1888, right down to the slightly taller almost 'spidery' type font on the lockplate. The rod inletting is the wide variety. I shouldn't do this, but here is a pic from my new book. Note the numerous differences between the 84XRRB (318991) on the left, and the normal "1888" (527686) on the right. Almost nothing is the same.
Thanks Dick I really appreciate all the info. Anything in the SRS on the serial number? I will be in touch to order your book and look forward to the new one coming out as well! One other observation on this rifle is the bore is very bright and shiny but the rifling seems much shallower than others I have seen...
Dick Hosmer
08-01-2014, 12:58
Nothing on that number, as noted above. Sorry.
As to the books: $25 to POB1367 Colusa CA 95932 for a signed, postage-paid copy of #1. No info yet available on #2; look for it in 2015. Thanks for the interest!
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