View Full Version : Garand hit piece
07-30-2014, 08:28
07-30-2014, 08:50
Who the Heck is this Jag-Off anyway? It's obvious he doesn't like anything except AR styled weapons! What an A$$!
Jay Johnson
07-30-2014, 09:11
I frequent a lot of MilSurp gun blogs and chat sites, that blog post is over 3-years old and this is the first I've seen it, kinda tells you how popular, and/or relevant to MilSurp, Williamson's blog site really is...
He sounds like a Mall Ninja Tactifool with the 'Your gun sucks, my AR, AK, FAL is da' bomb' bull crap...And anyone who spews the notion the the Mondragon was/is superior to the Garand is a clown IMHO...
Griff Murphey
07-30-2014, 11:15
The fact is that an American squad with the M-1 could hold off an enemy company armed with bolt action rifles. It was a huge force multiplier.
Oddly it stayed in service as long as the 1970's (I drew one from the base Armory at Subic Bay in 1975) which is longer than any of the amazing box magazine fed ten-shooters did. (Lljungman, Hakim, Toke 40, FN-49...) with any western first world nations.
The 8 round enbloc is a handy size and once you get the feel of the M-1 it is quite user friendly and you have 8 with fewer movements and FORCE than are required to place a 5 round stripper clip, PUSH the rounds down (frequently they are hard to get going) pull the used stripper out, and get the bolt to go forward.
With the Garand that took two movements and you had three more rounds.
The doofus plonker whose experience is limited to female and juvenile-friendly .22's is understandably upset when he enciunters something that does not work like his Mattel special. Poor baby.
Way too long but he is entitled to his opinion which I disagree with.
Makes a lot of fuss over not loading properly. Seems to forget the M1 is/was a first generation semi-auto battle rifle, not the first. And that the M16 was not chosen or wanted by the U.S. military. Mind you, his raving is 3 years old.
07-30-2014, 01:26
I wonder if he ever figured out he can't get garand thumb loading a full clip.
Anybody who takes so much glee in insulting people who disagree with him is suspect from the beginning. Rather than have a discussion he wants to throw bombs and get attention. He's wrong in many of his opinions. The Enfield more advanced because it had a detachable magazine? It was never loaded that way. As to the short life of the M14 platform, curiously I routinely see news photos from the worlds hot spots wherein our guys, or some of them, have M14 derivatives. Put two WWII infantry adversaries 200 yds apart and let them choose weapons. think it's the 98k or the Moisin?
07-30-2014, 10:41
The fact is that an American squad with the M-1 could hold off an enemy company armed with bolt action rifles. It was a huge force multiplier.
Oddly it stayed in service as long as the 1970's (I drew one from the base Armory at Subic Bay in 1975) which is longer than any of the amazing box magazine fed ten-shooters did. (Lljungman, Hakim, Toke 40, FN-49...) with any western first world nations.
The 8 round enbloc is a handy size and once you get the feel of the M-1 it is quite user friendly and you have 8 with fewer movements and FORCE than are required to place a 5 round stripper clip, PUSH the rounds down (frequently they are hard to get going) pull the used stripper out, and get the bolt to go forward.
With the Garand that took two movements and you had three more rounds.
The doofus plonker whose experience is limited to female and juvenile-friendly .22's is understandably upset when he enciunters something that does not work like his Mattel special. Poor baby.
I feel that because the Garand does not have the magazine extending below the rifle, it is better for prone shooting, reduces the soldiers silhouette and offers better concealment. One thing that I don't like about the M-14
I wonder if he ever figured out he can't get garand thumb loading a full clip.
Probably not.
"If a gun might smash your fingers to paste on the off chance you might happen to want to put ammo in it, it is defective. Don't tell me you can avoid it with the proper dance card and samba lessons—I'm in the middle of a firefight. It's not a "Design feature." It's not a "Beta improvement." It is a CRITICAL Fv@&iNG DEFECT"
That statement, by itself, pretty much illustrates his almost total lack of knowledge.
I think he smashed his thumb and is placing the blame because he's too smart for it to be his fault.
I think he smashed his thumb and is placing the blame because he's too smart for it to be his fault.
You are right, a quote from his piece....
"The Garands also jammed on loading. Regularly. I remember one time the clip refused to seat, then did. So there I am, traumatized, blood seeping into my white parade glove, next to a deceased veteran, trying very hard to stay in formation, not wince, not cry, not curse, and not fall out of timing for three volleys. I managed."
The only way he could do that would be while loading a partial clip. The top round was pushed too far down and the bolt was able to over ride it and chamber his thumb.
08-03-2014, 07:19
As my wife often says, "It's your opinion...but it's wrong."
We all have our opinions. Here is my poor effort, regards, Mike
We all have our opinions. Here is my poor effort, regards, Mike
I think you did good with your effort. You made a lot of great points.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that the the top loading, Garand designed, enboc system makes the M1 very easy to make safe. When unloading, the chambered round is ejected first and the clip with the remaining rounds is ejected second. There is no chance of leaving an unnoticed round in the chamber, which happens now and then with bottom loaded, detachable box magazine firearms.
John Sukey
08-09-2014, 10:47
Rock, I as issued an M1. I had it for three years, I NEVER caught my thumb in the action while closing it!!!!!!!!!!!
He reminds me of the sissy president who really knows nothing...A half arss american!!!
09-04-2014, 06:23
I don't know guys,,, maybe he's right? He did take the Glock armorers course AND swapped out the handguards on his AR.
09-11-2014, 07:43
Usually these trollish rants are written by youth who's only experiences are playing world of warcraft...or call of duty...sounds like he possibly saw an M1 once and heard some slander about it. Thought he'd embellish a bit...As with most things, if you give a modicum of instruction, most problems are non starters.
09-15-2014, 05:33
I like what my father told a Marine during a Tiger Cruise aboard my carrier back in the mid 1980s... "When I was in the Army, we had "REAL" guns... not these little black toys!" Dad carried an IHC Garand, and was his platoon's top marksman!!!
The original post is old and it is just his opinion. The opinions that I respect are those of the GIs and Marines that used the rifle in combat and they universally respected, even revered the M1 Garand. The rifle still is an object of affection for veterans, much more so than the even longer serving M16 and its offspring.
Just my opinion and as a veteran I think it's worth more than his.
Jerry Liles
The opinions that I respect are those of the GIs and Marines that used the rifle in combat and they universally respected, even revered the M1 Garand. The rifle still is an object of affection for veterans, much more so than the even longer serving M16 and its offspring.
I would agree.
From what I have read in contemporary accounts of its performance, the M1 had an unusually high favorability rating.
I see little mention of supposed shortcomings that are emphasized in gun magazines and web forums. I haven't seen any documented Korean War complaints from M1 armed soldiers, about inadequate weapons, even when soldiers were up against onrushing hordes of Red Chinese, many of which were armed with submachine guns.
On the other hand there was plenty of criticism of various pieces of equipment such as tanks, aircraft, torpedos etc. during the same time frame in which the M1 served.
The 8 round enbloc is a handy size and once you get the feel of the M-1 it is quite user friendly and you have 8 with fewer movements and FORCE than are required to place a 5 round stripper clip, PUSH the rounds down (frequently they are hard to get going) pull the used stripper out, and get the bolt to go forward.
Not necessary to pull 'used stripper out', just close the bolt, its designed to pop out!
09-24-2014, 11:43
Most opinions offered by internet ninjas are total crap, this guy is no exception. I have met, read or watched a tactical turd with an AR do everything humanly possible to his or her gun over the last few years. In the end, we still won WWII and Korea without it. As my dear departed Dad once said, "that Rambo is one tough bastard, if he would have been in our outfit, he would have been a cook." Dad was in the 101st AB and jumped D-Day and Holland, collected two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars. All with a Garand.
Some of the toughest guys you will ever meet have fought on Call of Duty or Halo.
10-01-2014, 05:31
I wonder what the idiots would think of next?? maybe these rifles are too deadly to own!! Maybe they should have séances to talk with the deceased spirits of our enemies from past conflicts! I know I would never want to be in an area that was being assaulted by a company of troopers with M-1 rifles!! must have been like a rainstorm of accurately aimed bullets! One of my relatives said that you could look at a bullet wound on a dead soldier and tell if it was a 30-06 wound; nice round hole where it went in and a hole three times it's size where it went out ! Carbine wounds were usually a hole where it went in and no exit!!
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