View Full Version : 1957 National Matches
I know this is a long shot but no harm in asking. Would anybody have or know how I could get a copy of the 1957 match bulletin with a listing of the high power competitors for that year. Herschel, who posts on this forum did have the 1958 bulletin so maybe there is hope.
Reason I am asking is that I have a N.M. rifle that was purchased by a M/Sgt. Zimmerman at Camp Perry following the 1957 National Matches. I would like to get whatever info I can regarding him. I believe, when he competed in the 1957 Nat. Matches he may have been a member of the Minnesota National Guard team. I only based that on the fact that, other than Camp Perry in 1957, the other entries in his Score Book show him shooting at Camp Ridley, a Minnesota N.G. Base.
Any information would be appreciated. Thanks
I had posted this before. Does it help any? Rick B
Thanks for taking the time Rick. He did not score high enough to appear in any of the listings.
Ted Brown
08-16-2014, 04:32
I have the 1959 Camp Perry bulletin and a few later additions. The 59 issue is interesting because of it's fold outs with Garand details. I have made copies if anyone is interested.
I am interested and will send you a PM. Like 2111, I am also looking for the list/lists for 1955-60 as my shooter purchased his first one at the 1955 matches. His name did not show up on Herschel's 1958 list. but I strongly believe he shot after the 55 matches based on a later rifle I have.
Ted, et-al,
Stupid question; did you have to shoot in a rifle match to purchase a rifle or could you have fired a pistol match and still had an option to buy a rifle? I think I know the answer, but thought I would ask.
As I recall you had to fire in a NRA sanctioned rifle match.
08-18-2014, 08:47
I have reviewed the 1957 National Match results listed in the October 1957 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN magazine. Only the winners of the various matches are listed.
What I find interesting is that the winner of the Service Rifle Match using a 1957 NM M1, shot a higher score than the Civilian Open Rifle Championship. This was with an M1 which was not greatly improved over the Service Grade M1.
National Civilian Open Rifle Championship
Winner – Ammon E. Bell- 734 89V
National Service Rifle Championship
Winner - S/Sgt. Michel Pietroforte USMC – 738 78V
08-20-2014, 02:11
Here is a copy of the announcement in the AMERICAN RIFLEMAN for October 1955. One had to be a member of a DCM affiliated club and in good standing. To the best of my knowledge this is the first sales announcement for the M1 thought I do believe that some were sold at the 1954 Nationals. Hope this is of interest.
_ AT present Caliber .30 Ml (Garand) rifles only are available
to NRA members who are members of clubs enrolled with the Di-
rector of Civilian Marksmanship. All stocks of rifles Model 1903 and
Model 1903 Al (Springfield) as well as Model 1917 (Enfields) are
exhausted and it is not anticipated that rifles of these models will
become available. The following information applies to the purchase
of Caliber .30 Ml (Garand) rifles now available:
1. Nomenclature and stock number-Rifle, U. S., Caliber .30
Ml, NM, BOOI-7266476.
2. Equipment included-oiler and thong case; thong and com-
bination tool or cleaning rod; brush; web sling; grease con-
3. Price-$98 plus $2.85 packing and handling charges, f.o.b.
shipping point (subject to change without notice).
4. Basis-One rifle per NRA member who is also a member of
good standing in a DCM-enrolled club.
5. Where to submit purchase applications-Commanding Offi-
cer, Letterkenny Ordnance Depot, Chambersburg, Pa., Attn:
6. What to include with application:
(a) Current NRA membership card or photostat of such
(b) Current DCM club membership card or certificate by
club secretary or treasurer to the effect that applicant
is a member of good standing.
(c) Payment in full ($100.85) by certified check or postal
money order, payable to the Treasurer of the United
(d) Shipping address, if different from mailing address.
(e) Stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of mem-
bership cards.
7. Shipping point-Rifles will be available only at Raritan Ar-
senal, Metuchen, N. J.
8. Shipment will be express, collect, unless otherwise instructed.
Ammunition and ammunition components-address all orders
to Commanding General, Ordnance Ammunition Command, Joliet,
Cleaning and preserving materials-address all orders to Com-
manding Officer, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N. J.
Quartermaster items (target cloth, danger flags, special oil lubri-
cation preservation)-address all orders to Commanding General, Co-
lumbus General Depot, Columbus 15, Ohio.
All other items (targets, target supplies, cleaning equipment, etc.)
-address all orders to Commanding General, Ordnance Weapons
Command, Rock Island, Ill.
NRA members can obtain a complete price list of the equipment
and supplies available, together with order forms, from National
Rifle Association, 1600 Rhode Island Ave., N. VV., Washington 6,
D. C., or Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Washington 25, D. C.,
on request.
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