View Full Version : M1 Gas Trap Question
Marty T.
08-16-2014, 08:06
This item is NOT mine and I DO NOT have anything to do with it. Just so you know I'm not pushing a sale, but there is something that I would like to have and some of you may be able to afford it. Ebay has an auction for a gas trap cylinder and sight.
My question about it is, it is listed as an RIA gas trap set. Did they make the gas cylinders for the early rifles or just SA make them? Just curious. Thanks.
It is my understanding plus owning Billy Pyle's book "The Gas Trap Garand" that all the "gas trap" rifles were manufactured at Springfield
Rock Island had the Model 1903 then sold the equipment to Remington
Jay Johnson
08-16-2014, 10:01
I'm following that auction as well, the RIA claim left me questioning it as well, I've been under the impression that all gas trap production was at Springfield, but gas trap Garands aren't my focus.
Here's the auction in question
is it possible that RIA had some stuff on hand squirreled away from rebuild? it certainly looks aged but i really dont know anything about gas traps or how they worked thats different than the standard gas system...
Marty T.
08-16-2014, 10:39
I was also wondering how the conclusion was made that it was RIA since there are no identifying markings to show that. Is theres something in the way it was machined, etc. or is this just another "I don't know what I'm talking about" auction listing. Any more info along that line would be nice to know also. I have not spent any time really studying the gas traps either since I know that they will always be out of my price range. But some of the things that people come up with amazes me sometimes.
Very well may have come from Rock Island from a rebuild as LtDave stated. The Barn wood is said to have come from Rock Island and I can say that but we know they were not made there. Rick B
Im the owner of the gas trap on ebay. I bought the estate of a collector/gun smith and just went by his tag. Although I have owned a few Garands over the years I had no idea that is was from the early gas trap Garand. The guy died in 2007 so I'm not sure where he obtained it. I have been told though by a few people it is absolutely correct and original though.
Hope this helps,
Bill Rannow
Mpls, MN
08-17-2014, 06:49
Very well may have come from Rock Island from a rebuild as LtDave stated. The Barn wood is said to have come from Rock Island and I can say that but we know they were not made there. Rick B
that pile of wood makes me want to cry
Thank you Bill for the Information and just glad it was not tossed by the family as many of these older parts are especially the springs.
Embalmer, no reason to cry the wood in the picture is being well taken care of now after 67 years of sitting :) . Rick B
Thank you Bill for the Information and just glad it was not tossed by the family as many of these older parts are especially the springs.
Embalmer, no reason to cry the wood in the picture is being well taken care of now after 67 years of sitting :) . Rick B
just curious on the color coded tape on the ends of the stocks...
i assume they indicate a certain cartouche, or maker, or grade? wouldnt it be easier to find a good "orange" stock if all the orange were in a stack and all the blue in a stack and so on and so on?
on a side note it IS good youre taking charge of these and being a good steward of them!
Yes each indicates Manufacture and anything rare or early is in separate storage. Nothing is for sale at this time so please no emails. Rick B
08-17-2014, 07:00
This item is NOT mine and I DO NOT have anything to do with it. Just so you know I'm not pushing a sale, but there is something that I would like to have and some of you may be able to afford it. Ebay has an auction for a gas trap cylinder and sight.
My question about it is, it is listed as an RIA gas trap set. Did they make the gas cylinders for the early rifles or just SA make them? Just curious. Thanks.
The hang tag says "from RIA" what does that mean, I see no RIA on the gas Cylinder. Did he get it during Overhaul and repair of a gas trap rifle, did he get it from "Rock Island Auction" or somewhere else. you will never know.
Not sure the guy was dead for many years before I bought the parts. His daughter had no idea.
Bill Rannow
The hang tag says "from RIA" what does that mean, I see no RIA on the gas Cylinder. Did he get it during Overhaul and repair of a gas trap rifle, did he get it from "Rock Island Auction" or somewhere else. you will never know.
As RIA didn't manufacture gas trap cylinders I would think it means just what it says. "From RIA". Maybe purchased as scrap years ago. Like you said "you will never really know", but does it really matter ?
08-18-2014, 07:44
2111, my comment was referring to MartyT's " it is listed as an RIA gas trap set." The add lists it as RIA but the hang tag says "from RIA". My guess is as yours, it was acquired from RIA one way or another.
At one time at the "Great Western Gun Shows", there was a guy selling these, people laugh at them as being paper weights.
Back in the mid 1950's I while in the Marine Corps I was an armorer (2111 MOS). For about 6 months I was assigned to the Camp Lejeune Rifle Range. A Master Sgt. in charge of the armory had a box that he would put early M1 parts in. He would tell us that if we came across a rifle with a part that looked a bit different than what we normally saw to let him know. I thought he was nuts saving all that "old crap". Now I wish I had that box of parts.
Dan Shapiro
08-19-2014, 02:55
Way back, several years ago, there was a thread about rebuilds, post-WWII.......and how certain low-numbered M1 rifles with a 'funny shaped "V" in the receiver legs' were found. Workers were told to remove these receivers and JUNK THEM.
Rick the Librarian
09-04-2014, 08:54
As I recall, a number of Gas Traps survived World War II and were scrapped. You have to consider the times - the Army had literally millions of M1s. A few hundred with different parts were a drop in the bucket.
As Dan Shapiro stated above, some of those low numbered receivers with the v shape between the leg were suppose to be junked - but some were built-up even
with NM parts although they were not NM rifles, Serial number 25 is a known example
Have not been on Jouster for a long time. Thanks for the "barn wood" pic. I have always appreciated your input on stock authentication.
09-25-2014, 05:32
Hey Rick,
What's the story on the 'barn wood?' I am late to this go-round. Thanks, and it DOES look interesting.
check on the M1 rifle forum for the "barn wood story" also an article in a recent GCA Journal too
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