View Full Version : Value of a couple barrels?
Squaring away the garage and like to clear out a couple items. Can anyone give me approximate values before I post them?
1- WWII SA 5-44 barrel, shows usual use of corrosive ammo, TE of 5.5, MW between 2-3, pads chromed, import mark.
2-BMR Italian 1955 barrel TE 5 MW 2.5, see no corrosion , fairly sharp rifling, chrome pads, no import mark.
Also, anybody know what going rate ea. is for CMP Enbloc clips and LC brass?
What would be a good deal?
thanks jebb
I would have no interest in barrels with that description, but some one might want to play with them and would pay 50 to 60 bucks for one. I used to pick them up for around forty. I couldn't sell an enblock at the last GS for .50 but I believe the "going" price for them these days is about .80 I know nothing about brass.
08-21-2014, 03:32
Yeah they will probably be a little hard to move. I agree with Dryheat. I think $50 give or take is about all you would get.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I suspect you're right. I hate to see them go to waste if there's somebody putting together a wall hanger or a rifle they can use for rapid-fire drills with no guilt. (The mad minute is fun but I wouldn't do it to some of my rifles). I will post them for somewhat less than that. There is probably a surplus of clips in this crowd also. I was finding a brass price of .15 give or take a bit.
Major Tom
08-21-2014, 07:14
How much LC brass do you have?
Probably about 300-400, still sorting, LC once fired, '69 and early 70s.
UPDATE: Found another box, it will be upwards of 1,000 pieces,.
15 cents each plus shipping via USPS flat rate is the going rate for LC brass.
Thank you sir, I just posted my LC for 11 cents ea, as I am saving my HXP to reload someday (move in to new house 10 yrs ago and barely have reloaded since.)
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