View Full Version : Pre-War 1937 JP Sauer

08-22-2014, 10:12
Hey Guys! I posted on here about a purchase I was thinking about several weeks back, so here it is!

I'm far from a K98 Mauser Expert. I usually spend my time on the US side of the argument since most of my collection centers around US made military firearms. BUT....

Give credit where credit is due. Since the Model 1903 Springfield Action is such a blatant copy of the Mauser 98 Action I just have to love it as well. Been searching for a VERY long time for a Pre-War JP Sauer for a few reasons. The high polished receiver and that the stock is most likely made from American Walnut. Prewar firearms just offer a craftsmanship that wartime production can't compete with (for obvious reasons).

Here she is... I bought her from a member on another forum and instantly fell in love even before she arrived via UPS (which arrived at 07:04PM and the estimated window of delivery was between 11:00AM-3:00PM, you can image what the suspense was doing to me!)

Everything matches minus... 2 Action screws, cocking piece, magazine follower and barrel. But all the major parts do match: stock bolt body, barrel bands, trigger guard, handgaurd, etc.

The barrel puzzles me mainly because its not serialized. It's stamped
"Do 261/38 ERMA"

Its a next year replacement but not even JP Sauer. Either way I'm simply in love with it.

I would have posted my own pictures, but the original seller is MUCH MUCH better with a camera than me.

I know the experts out there could pick this one apart somehow, but I simply love it!

http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Smokeeaterpilot/IMG_1928_zpsd7f4f6e1.jpg (http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/Smokeeaterpilot/media/IMG_1928_zpsd7f4f6e1.jpg.html)

http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Smokeeaterpilot/IMG_1918_zps279c0554.jpg (http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/Smokeeaterpilot/media/IMG_1918_zps279c0554.jpg.html)

http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Smokeeaterpilot/IMG_1945_zps88474570.jpg (http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/Smokeeaterpilot/media/IMG_1945_zps88474570.jpg.html)

http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Smokeeaterpilot/IMG_1946_zpsecefe6b7.jpg (http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/Smokeeaterpilot/media/IMG_1946_zpsecefe6b7.jpg.html)

http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Smokeeaterpilot/IMG_1924_zpsfdd28e38.jpg (http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/Smokeeaterpilot/media/IMG_1924_zpsfdd28e38.jpg.html)

http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj530/Smokeeaterpilot/IMG951966_zps45a7d6d8.jpg (http://s1266.photobucket.com/user/Smokeeaterpilot/media/IMG951966_zps45a7d6d8.jpg.html)

08-23-2014, 05:43
What exactly is your question? The barrel is a replacement, Erma made many replacement barrels and they were used on new production also, tho serialed when used new. Your rifle most likey saw some field repair as opposed to being sent back thru an arsenal or large shop where parts would have been numbered to rifle.
And why do you call the stock American walnut? It is a European walnut and has a very different grain then then Amer. walnut. The laminte stocks started showing up in 1938. Your rifle was issued to the Heer (Army).
I have one very similar, serial--- 7907g. Yours is very nice, to say the least!
The '03 is not a copy of 98 Mauser but rather a 93 Mauser, small ring reciever (Spanish 1893 to be specific). Result of the SAW.

08-23-2014, 07:15
I was told by the seller (not the reason I bought it) That it was a Erma Depot barrel but he doesn't know if it's a "Depot Gun." Sorry I should have clarified. The barrel has a 0,2 OK the ring so its a depot barrel just can't find any depot markings on the stock.

As for the American Walnut, I've seen multiple times that most pre war K98s were made from American walnut because most of the walnut resources in Germany were exhausted due to WWI which is why you see a lot of later Gewehr 98s made out of Beech so they imported it from the US. I heard this was confirmed by the US Forestry Service but I still need to find the source.

As far as the Mauser 98 vs Spanish Mauser. I always read that the 1903 in 30-03 was almost a direct copy for the Spanish Mauser but it started resembling the Model 98 more when they started making the alterations to change it to the 1903 in 30-06. Both were patent violations either way.

08-23-2014, 09:54
The grain of the German (and other European rifles) is distincty different then amer. walnut. Much closer grain and not as much figure generaly. I do not know what "walnut" tree they were made from but it was not what is commonly called amer. walnut.
There were minor differences between the 93 and 98 Mausers, the main one being the small ring recievers of the 93 and previous models. The 03 is a small ring as is the Win. 54 & 70. Also the gas shield built into the rear bolt piece, the 03 does not have this either. The main Patent deal was the staggered box magazine of the Mausers and the stripper clips. Us paid 200,000 bucks and several cents for each clip we made! The basic bolt system had been around for many years and was not patentable. The US was very impressed with the 93 Mauser due to it being much better then the Krag during SAW. Thousands were captured and that was what was used to design the 03. Doubtful US military had even seen a 98 Mauser at that point in time! Only thing done to change to 06 from 03 cartridge was to cut barrel back less then an inch! Nothing else was ever changed!
As I said the barrel was probably changed in a field repair unit, which followed the front lines to do quick repair and get rifle back in service quickly. Might also account for other minor parts changes. They did not have equipement (most parts are very hard) to restamp or number parts, while a depot would.
By the way Erma was a gun manufacturer, not a 'depot'. They sub-contracted barrels for new manufacture in which case would have serial number add by rifle maker. Also made spares, un-numbered. Just as stocks, butt plates and many other parts were sub contracted (as in the US).
Don't understand '0,2 OK' on barrel, at least the OK part. Are you sure stamp is not 9,2 ? If so, it is the bore dia.