View Full Version : Canadian Rangers issued pristine Lee Enfields
08-24-2014, 03:42
John Sukey
08-24-2014, 04:32
The gubmint decided to issue a "sporting version" of the No4 and had to take them back because they couldn't stand up to the rough treatment they got in normal use with the rangers! They then had to BUY BACK all the ISSUE No4's from the surplus dealers they sold them to!!!!!
John Sukey
09-01-2014, 09:33
Oh, by the way, I have both versions of those Canadian Rangers "sporting" Enfields
According to the article: " NCRR Project-Bolt Action New Canadian Ranger Rifle", dated 27AUG14, it appears that the Canadian government still wants to use a variant of the AIA M10 B2 (the article is more than somewhat confusing). A primary problem seems to be that their "preferred weapon supplier", Colt Canada, is having, or did have, trouble getting manufacturing rights from AIA.
It seems as if they're "over thinking" this project, trying to re-invent the wheel. Then again, it is a government project, isn't it? It appears that they still want a #4 action, but with a 308 barrel. 10,000 units @ $1,000 per.? You'd think that one of the commercial barrel makers would go for a 10,000+ unit contract. Same for the stocks they want. Some small company could probably re-arsenal 1,000 or so of the existing, worn units per year, maybe more, assuming the receivers are serviceable.. They're really pretty much trying to make a field version of the British L39A1 aren't they?. They've been talking about this for years. One old article I found said that they were ready to go with Winchesters (M70?) at one point. I'm guessing that the demise of Winchester put an end to that?
If they want a Mod. 70 Winchester why not call up FN and ask them for it? Isn't FN still the maker of the new Winchesters?
Alan De Enfield
09-05-2014, 01:11
From my reading of the various articles and reports the "problem" is that the Canadian Government is insisting that the rifles are manufactured by Colt Canada - who have no experience in doing this type of weapon.
So far, no rifle manufacturer is prepared to sign over their 'intellectual property rights' and many years of secrets, knowledge and experience to secure a few $'s royalties on such a small order.
Basic criteria for the replacement rifle stipulates that it must be a commercial, "off the shelf" product with "minor customization", AND it must have "a distinctive look that instills pride in Canada's Arctic militia". A major problem is that the weapon must function in EXTREME cold (so no plastic guts I would think?). Also, because these rifles are used as personal arms, they can spend the day rolling in the bottom of an open hunting boat, half submerged in salt water! (No wonder some "as new when issued" rifles have been turned into junk over the course of a few months! Apparently the "punishment for such abuse amounts to turning the ruined gun in for another!
Canada has increased its Ranger numbers up to around 5,000 in the past few years. Procuring 10,200 new rifles is suppose to represent a 30 year future supply. An option to the "off the shelf" requirement is to have Colt Canada obtain the rights for the commercial rifle that is selected. Also, I've found some criticism of the tests conducted on the AIA #4 product which was rejected. Some are alleging that nothing more than a quick, cursory examine was done and the gun was rejected without the opportunity to resubmit after addressing fairly minor shortcomings. Who, other than AIA, commercially makes bolt gun with an action purposely built loose enough that it can function in the Ranger environment?
Apparently Ruger submitted its Scout rifle, which included a "distinctive" Ranger disc imbedded in the butt stock., but it didn't make the cut either.
Sounds like they really don't want a rifle.
John Sukey
09-06-2014, 10:58
Somehow I don't think the rangers will be turning in their No4's anytime soon;)
"... their "preferred weapon supplier"..." Only preferred because a previous socialist government paid for the plant then virtually gave it to Colt Industries when the C7 contract ended.
The Canadian Rangers use standard issue No. 4's. The 'new' rifle is up for a "design competition". Hasn't been designed yet. AIA is gone too.
"...Canada's Arctic militia..." No such thing.
During WWII Canada had the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers (PCMR). An all volunteer organization, it was never officially connected to the government. Originally members were required to supply their own weapons, but in 1942 the government purchased and distributed a few thousand Winchester 94's in 30-30. When the unit was disbanded in 1945 members were offered the option of buying the Winchesters for $5 a copy. Unsold rifles were distributed to various Canadian government divisions. All.of the government retained 94's were destroyed in 1962. PCMR 94's were marked with the Canadian "C" and broad arrow stamp.
I have a few of these 94 winchester rifles. I am certain that the government could find 10000 number 4 rifles for colt to rebuild
in 308
10-17-2014, 06:54
Canadian govt could employ a Canadian CAF supplier and support good jobs in country:
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