View Full Version : When did USMC receive the M14 ??
Does any know just when the M14 was issued to the Marines ? Date and Units.
A friend of mine turned in his M1 rifle at MCAS Beaufort in Jan. 1962 and was issued the M14 on that date. I would have suspected that Marine infantry units would have received the M14 earlier.
I am aware that the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Div. started receiving the M14 in Jan. 1960 and the Berlin Garrison in early Sept. 1961. All combat units in Western Europe were equipped with the M14 by Oct 1, 1961.
Based on the above, I would guess the Marine Corps transitioned to the M14 between Oct. 1961 and Jan. 1962, but I can not find anything that gives the exact date the transition started and which units had priority. I was going to write to Leatherneck Magazine but thought one of you might have the answer.
Semper Fi
09-02-2014, 03:48
I do not know the exact date, but I was thinking the same thing as you, late 61, early 62.
Dan Shapiro
09-02-2014, 03:51
My Dad was still qualifying with the M1 in June 1962 - FMF, Oahu, Hawaii.
I don't know about anyone else, but I got my first one Jan of '66 in boot camp. We went back to the M1 for ITR.
Semper Fi
I don't know about anyone else, but I got my first one Jan of '66 in boot camp. We went back to the M1 for ITR.
Semper Fi
I have a buddy who went into the Corps in 1965 who says exactly the same thing, M14 in boot camp, M1 in ITR.
My father was stationed in Orleans, France from 58 to 62. I remember him talking about the M14 when he got back from range orientation some time in 1961.
Sorry, he was Army.
[QUOTE] My Dad was still qualifying with the M1 in June 1962 - FMF, Oahu, Hawaii.[QUOTE]
Thanks Dan. It was not until Sept. 1, 1962 that the Marines on Hawaii traded the M1 Garand for the M14.
My father was stationed in Orleans, France from 58 to 62. I remember him talking about the M14 when he got back from range orientation some time in 1961.
Sorry, he was Army.
Thanks Bear, All combat units in Western Europe were equipped with the M14 by Oct 1, 1961
Griff Murphey
09-03-2014, 05:51
Slightly OT but at the other end of the spectrum, Marine Barracks Subic Bay had to be one of the last USMC combat units to use the M-14. They were on the range with us at Boton Valley in Subic Bay in the summer of 1975. I have pictures somewhere including one of the Subic Bay Marine who shot a sitting so low he had his elbows on the ground. I was out there with my unit BLT 1-4 zeroing a Navy 7.62 M-1 which freaked a few out.
Major Tom
09-03-2014, 06:19
We got our new M-14s in Oct. 1965.
I went to PI in June 1962. We were issued brand new M-14's out of the crate.
A guy at our Gun Club once claimed they were the first PI Platoon issued them in August of 1961. I figure that's correct because some local guys went in as a group in July 1961 and they used M-1's. We had a Mini Reunion a few years ago and one guy had their Parris Island Book for the rest to sign. There were pictures of them using M-1's.
Ahhhh ... the M-14. "Finest battle implement ever devised by man." MY Quote.
My brother went through boot camp in the fall of 1972, he says he was one of the last classes to qualify on the M-14. Does anyone know when the USMC stopped using the M-14 in boot camp?
09-03-2014, 11:31
I went through boot camp Feb-Apr 1971 and we carried and qualified with the M14. I have a buddy I served with in Desert Storm who went through boot camp sometime in 1973 and they were still carrying and qualifying with the M14
Edited to add. We were both Hollywood Marines
Really strange. 1965 and 66, M14 in boot camp, back to the M1 in ITR and then off to Viet Nam where they end up with the the M16. Well not in 1965 but sometime in mid 1966 I believe.
In 1972 and 1973 still using and qualifying with the M14 in boot camp. I am pretty sure that when they got to there permanent duty station they were issued M16's, never to see an M14 again. In 72 and 73, if ITR still existed, what rifle was used, M14 or M16 ???
09-04-2014, 11:59
when I went to ITR we were issued the most beat up M16's you could imagine. I shipped out to the 3rd Mar Div in Aug 71 where I was issued a M16. Upon rotating home I was sent to Camp Lejeune (Force Troops) and was again issued a M14. Those 14's looked nearly new or at least fresh from rebuild. In Dec 72 they were taken away from us and we were issued brand new, out of the box m16A1's.
This is just reminiscing. I was just a kid. Armed Forces Day(whenever that was) had me out at the local Army Base(Ft. Wainwright)taking in the festivities. I plopped down and fired blanks out of the M60. I stood up and fired blanks out of the m14. At the end of the day I snuck up to the 55 gal. barrel and scrounged enough spent ammo to build up a 4' long belt to take home.
09-05-2014, 09:49
Our navy Beachmaster unit was issued M-14s for the Cuban crisis invasion. The marines took them back after the crisis and we went back to M1s.
09-05-2014, 09:50
I'll reminisce a little myself. While stationed at Le Jeune in 1972 I was part of a working party sent to the armory to help them reorganize the place. There was a 9 cube box on the deck that the armorers wanted moved. I tried to push it and damn near gave myself a hernia it was so heavy. I asked the armorer what the hell was in this thing. He opened the box and was packed to the gunnels with M3 Grease guns.
Got to RVN October 1967 and received an M14. They were taken from us in early 1968 just in time for the TET offensive. Sure was nice to have a totally non functioning piece of crap M16 at a time when we needed our real rifles.
Leave it to the gubment to dork things up. I guess that won't ever stop.
Semper Fi
I'll reminisce a little myself. While stationed at Le Jeune in 1972 I was part of a working party sent to the armory to help them reorganize the place. There was a 9 cube box on the deck that the armorers wanted moved. I tried to push it and damn near gave myself a hernia it was so heavy. I asked the armorer what the hell was in this thing. He opened the box and was packed to the gunnels with M3 Grease guns.
I had a similar experience at Camp Lejeune. I worked as the battalion armorer for 3-10 from late 1956 until mid 1958 when I transferred. In the armory there was a large banded crate that I used for a work bench. For the longest time I had no idea what was in it. One day I decided to crack it open and see. It contained a number of carbines with infrared sniper scopes and battery backpacks. I sealed the crate back up and continued using it as my work bench. I latter was told that each infantry battalion had the M1 Garand sniper rifles ( MC 52 possibly) and artillery battalions had the carbines. As this was peace time these weapons were never issued, in fact, I had no idea who they would have been issued to.
09-05-2014, 09:31
When we turned in our 14's nearly everyone in the battery (including me) was P.O.'d that we had to get rid of them for the "Matty Mattel."
09-06-2014, 05:40
My brother went thru Parris Island in Apr 64 & they had them. I went thru Fort Dix in Nov 64 & we had them.
09-08-2014, 09:25
We got our new M-14s in Oct. 1965.
Bootcamp july 1962, issued M14, Oct 1962 issued M1 ITR
1972Doug USMC 62-66
Garden Valley
09-08-2014, 03:31
when I went to ITR we were issued the most beat up M16's you could imagine. I shipped out to the 3rd Mar Div in Aug 71 where I was issued a M16. Upon rotating home I was sent to Camp Lejeune (Force Troops) and was again issued a M14. Those 14's looked nearly new or at least fresh from rebuild. In Dec 72 they were taken away from us and we were issued brand new, out of the box m16A1's.
Are you possibly thinking of Staging Battalion instead of ITR? Staging Battalion had really beat up M16's even in late 1967.
09-08-2014, 06:47
Nope it was ITR. While I was in staging battalion we were never issued weapons. All we did was working parties around mainside at Pendleton until our ship date.
Garden Valley
09-10-2014, 09:28
Nope it was ITR. While I was in staging battalion we were never issued weapons. All we did was working parties around mainside at Pendleton until our ship date.
That's sure different. We had M1's at ITR. Staging Battalion was split between the first few days at Mainside where we updated records, got shots, and some additional uniform items and a second seabag. We then went to Las Pulgas and spent a couple weeks field training with some really decrepit looking XM16E1 rifles. Then back to Margarita for a couple days and then to El Toro to fly to Okinawa.
09-11-2014, 09:09
GV-You have to remember that the last of the ground combat Marines were out of Nam somewhere around Apr-May of 71. There were still Marines there of course but not division, regiment or battalion size units. So, when I went through staging battalion they weren't preparing us for a unit "in country." Staging Bn was just north of Mainside when I went through, next to the Hospitality Hostess house and across from the amtrac museum and fire station. If you kept going north on the road it took you to NWS Fallbrook and out to the Fallbrook gate. On a side note the only M16A1 I was ever issued on my first tour was in 1972. Everyone before that was a XM16E1
I went through boot camp Feb-Apr 1971 and we carried and qualified with the M14. I have a buddy I served with in Desert Storm who went through boot camp sometime in 1973 and they were still carrying and qualifying with the M14
Edited to add. We were both Hollywood Marines
Hollywood Marines: Trained with the men you mean, as opposed to Parris Island Marines who trained with the girls?
09-11-2014, 11:05
We were always looked down upon by those who went through the Island. It always had to do with their training being tougher because of the Island's terrain. My response was always that we had it tougher because the PX never had the right kind of wax for out surf boards :-)
Devil Dog
09-11-2014, 12:54
"M14" on Wikipedia has a bunch of info and dates for both army and Marine Corps issuing of M14.
Wikipedia states:
" It gradually replaced the M1 Garand in US Army service by 1961 and in US Marine Corps service by 1965."
A friend of mine turned in his M1 Garand and was issued a M14 at MCAS Beaufort in Jan. 1962.
I would like to know if anyone knows of a date in 1961 or before that the M14 may have been issued to the Marine Corps ?? Seems to me that the infantry units would have received the M14 before the Air Wing.
I did read on another forum that someone has a photograph of the Commandant of the Marine Corps receiving an M14 sometime in 1960.
Hollywood Marines: Trained with the men you mean, as opposed to Parris Island Marines who trained with the girls?
Yeah, some us were a bit young and needed a bit more training with girls. So you west coast Marines received your training with "men". Well that answers some questions I had about "Hollywood Marines". Thanks LOL Semper Fi
09-14-2014, 09:06
My brother was in the Corps from 57-61 and he never saw an M14. He was always issued an M1. Of course he was with the wing (rotor head) so that could be why.
Devil Dog
09-15-2014, 09:01
We were always looked down upon by those who went through the Island. It always had to do with their training being tougher because of the Island's terrain. My response was always that we had it tougher because the PX never had the right kind of wax for out surf boards :-)
I think the big difference was "sun glare" and rain in California. We were not allowed to wear sun glasses or march with umbrellas at MCRD PI.
09-15-2014, 09:31
:-) Can't say it rained much except on final inspection day. Trops don't look good when they're wet. However the glare on the beach and in the surf was terrible :-)
My brother was in the Corps from 57-61 and he never saw an M14. He was always issued an M1. Of course he was with the wing (rotor head) so that could be why.
I am thinking the Marine Corps would not have received the M14 prior to the Berlin Garrison, who received the M14 in early Sept. 1961 or the rest of the combat units in Western Europe, who were equipped with the M14 by Oct 1, 1961. At the time Berlin was the hot spot. I doubt the Marine Corps or any other stateside units received the M14 earlier than Oct. 1961, and so far, based on the replies to this post, this seems to be the case.
Do you know the month in 1961 your brother was discharged ??? I believe my friend has his dates correct as he has the dates he received and turned in all rifles issued to him between Feb. 1959 ( M1 rifle 2488400) at MCRD San Diego and the M14 he was issued at MCAS Beaufort (# 367574) in Jan. 1962. He turned that M14 in upon discharge in Jan. 1963.
09-15-2014, 03:53
I am thinking the Marine Corps would not have received the M14 prior to the Berlin Garrison, who received the M14 in early Sept. 1961 or the rest of the combat units in Western Europe, who were equipped with the M14 by Oct 1, 1961. At the time Berlin was the hot spot. I doubt the Marine Corps or any other stateside units received the M14 earlier than Oct. 1961, and so far, based on the replies to this post, this seems to be the case.
Do you know the month in 1961 your brother was discharged ??? I believe my friend has his dates correct as he has the dates he received and turned in all rifles issued to him between Feb. 1959 ( M1 rifle 2488400) at MCRD San Diego and the M14 he was issued at MCAS Beaufort (# 367574) in Jan. 1962. He turned that M14 in upon discharge in Jan. 1963.
I want to say around Sept-Oct time frame but I'm not sure as I was about 8 years old at the time. I do know he mustered out at Tustin
Yeah, some us were a bit young and needed a bit more training with girls. So you west coast Marines received your training with "men". Well that answers some questions I had about "Hollywood Marines". Thanks LOL Semper Fi
That was totally uncalled for as well as hateful, hurtful, harmful and just not true (I don't think). By the way, does anyone know the only word you can spell with USMC?
09-15-2014, 09:46
Just talked to my brother. He mustered out in Feb 61 and was still issued an M1. He thinks that the ground units were starting to be issued M14's right around that time.
That was totally uncalled for as well as hateful, hurtful, harmful and just not true (I don't think). By the way, does anyone know the only word you can spell with USMC?
Yeah, your right, it was a bit spiteful also. Sorry about that brother. LOL Waiting on the answer regarding the only word that can be spelt with the letters "USMC". One would be misguidance ( MiSgUidanCe ) So what's the joke ?? Semper Fi
Yeah, your right, it was a bit spiteful also. Sorry about that brother. LOL Waiting on the answer regarding the only word that can be spelt with the letters "USMC". One would be misguidance ( MiSgUidanCe ) So what's the joke ?? Semper Fi
Ouch. You sure you didn't go through Boot Camp at Bainbridge (not sure of spelling) or Great Lakes ??
Garden Valley
09-18-2014, 12:28
Wikipedia states:
" It gradually replaced the M1 Garand in US Army service by 1961 and in US Marine Corps service by 1965."
A friend of mine turned in his M1 Garand and was issued a M14 at MCAS Beaufort in Jan. 1962.
I would like to know if anyone knows of a date in 1961 or before that the M14 may have been issued to the Marine Corps ?? Seems to me that the infantry units would have received the M14 before the Air Wing.
I did read on another forum that someone has a photograph of the Commandant of the Marine Corps receiving an M14 sometime in 1960.
I believe this is the photo you are referring to.
However, I don't believe Marines began to receive M14 rifles until early 1962. 2nd MarDiv units deployed to Gitmo in November 1962 were equipped with M14 rifles and M60 machine guns. Many Marine Reserve units were still equipped with the M1 up through the mid-1960's
I believe this is the photo you are referring to.
However, I don't believe Marines began to receive M14 rifles until early 1962. 2nd MarDiv units deployed to Gitmo in November 1962 were equipped with M14 rifles and M60 machine guns. Many Marine Reserve units were still equipped with the M1 up through the mid-1960's
Thanks, that is the picture I was referring to. My friend has pretty good records regarding rifles he had. He tells me that upon his return from Japan in Feb. 1961, he was issued an M1 Garand (2113737), which he turned in for an M14 in late Jan. 1962. He says that the M14's were in cardboard boxes with wrappings around them. They got the bayonet and pistol belt, along with (4) single pouches that were for the (4) mag's that they were issued. He also says at that time he was with VMF-333, stationed at MCAS Beaufort S.C.. In Mar. of 1962 he went to P.I. for familiarization with the M14. In May of 1962 he returned to P.I. to qualify. This took about a week or week and a half. The serial # of the M14 was 367574.
He also had the ser. # of the M1 (2488400) he got at MCRD San Diego on 2 Feb. 1959. Also the Ser. # (894648) of the M1 he was issued at MCAS El Toro prior to going to Japan. He turned that M1 in during Feb. 1961 at MCAS Futema, just prior to returning stateside.
I couldn't believe he had all this info. I can only remember the serial # of the M1 (4380578) I was issued in boot camp (PISC), and only because the D.I.s drummed it into my head.
Anyway, I haven't heard from any former Marine that recalls receiving the M14 prior to Jan. 1962. Guess an email to Leatherneck is in order.
Thanks again for the picture.
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