View Full Version : Loads for M1a
Devil Dog
09-16-2014, 11:06
I am just starting to load for my S.A. M1a. I have quite a lot of IMR4895 and 150gr. "pulled" GI bullets and FC cases. I have loaded a lot of '06 with these components for my Garands and would like to use them for my M1a. What is a good load for my M1a?
It still under warrantee? SA Inc. voids it if you use reloads. Wouldn't bother me either. It a standard or one of the gussied up rifles?
You have to work up the load just like you would for any rifle. Use the same techniques you use when loading for your M1. Wouldn't expect great accuracy from pulled bullets though. Or IMR4895.
IMR 4895 is almost a standard match load powder. H4895 also. Between 39.5 and 42.5 grains with a 168 mk bullet will shoot in almost anything. I used 41.5 in my match M1a and my bolt gun at two and three hundred yard line. The bolt gun (40X) would stay around an inch off the bench at 300, and the M1A was around three. I used the same bullet and 42.5 grains at 600 in the M1A , and it did very well. I doubt the pulled bullets will equal a match bullet, but you never know until you try them.
09-20-2014, 09:14
Hi, I just picked up an Springfield M1A about a year ago, and have been working up loads for it. I have been shooting long range matches all summer. It has a Springfield NM barrel.
I tried using military pulled 155gr BT bullets, and at 200 yards had 18 inch pattern. At 300 it went to 36 inches, and all over the place. Just terrible. i switched over to Sierra 168 gr HPBT Match King bullets, and have been getting good results. With Iron sights at 200 I get a 4 inch group. At 300 about 6. The groups would be better if my old eyes were better! The bullets make a huge difference. I have been using 43.5 gr or 4320, but have still work on finding out the best load. 4320 seems to be readily available. I weigh out each charge, and have been using only match grade military brass. Mixed brass will greatly affect accuracy.
I guess if you are only shooting at 100 yards, and for fun, the 150s are fine. But if you want to maximize the capabilities of a fine rifle, then spend a little more for good components.
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