View Full Version : S-C Question

Kleanbore 1
09-16-2014, 06:37
I recently bought a nice S-C 03a3 serial #36848xx with a S-C 5-43 four groove barrel. Most everything appears to be correct except for two parts. The stacking swivel is R marked and it has a late M-22 buttplate with no trap, strange. There are no rebuild marks on it. It is a S-C stock with the FJA and crossed cannons. It has two pins instead of cross bolts in the stock. The bolt and sleeve are blued as well as both bands. The bayonet lug and trigger guard are parked. My question, is there any chance that the buttplate could be original. The stock is bored out for an oiler.And is it any more risky to shoot it with the stock pins versus the bolts. There is a gap behind the tang. I just don't want to crack a nice original stock. Headspace and bore is excellent, so I would like to shoot it.

09-16-2014, 06:45
No way for the M1922 butt plate to be original. The early Smith Corona rifles, like yours, will have the stock pins. The stock bolts stand up better than the pins if you are going to do a lot of shooting.

John Beard
09-16-2014, 08:11
I concur with m1903 rifle. The M-22 buttplate is not original. But the "R" marked stacking swivel may be!

After making sure that the trigger guard screws are good and snug with a gap behind the tang, the rifle should be o.k. to shoot.

Hope this helps.


Kleanbore 1
09-17-2014, 07:04
Thanks, I'll look for a S-C buttplate, should be fairly easy to find one. How rare is the M-22 buttplate and what's it's value?