View Full Version : Range report
Devil Dog
09-17-2014, 01:08
Just got back from the range shooting my "new" M1a for the first time. I used some "ZOI" ammo that was made in Turkey and sold on sale at WallMart for $9.97 for 20. I also shot handloads of 42gr. 4895 w/ 150 gr. GI pulled bullets. I didn't expect a lot this first time. Was I surprised. The gun shot all 1" groups and a few 3/4" groups. I was impressed. The only issue I have is the elevation needed 24 up clicks to zero it. I didn't like the thin (.062) N.M. front sight and will replace it with a std. thickness sight and probably cut it down some. Is it common to need that much elevation?
The rifle needs it's gas cylinder shimmed as the lock nut bottoms at 180 degrees off. However, as long as it shoots this good, I won't touch a thing, except the front sight:icon_wink:.
09-17-2014, 04:30
What distance were you shooting? 24 clicks is way too much for just about anything less than say 600 yards. Could be that the previous owner filed the sight down for just that purpose. Replacing it with a standard front sight will probably bring you down to 8 or 9 clicks for 100 yards. My M14 clone has a NM front blade that hasn't been messed with and I'm using 10-11 clicks up for 200 yards
Maybe the sight is a NM type of thing with 1/4 clicks or the like?
09-17-2014, 06:09
Maybe the sight is a NM type of thing with 1/4 clicks or the like?
Hmm, didn't think about that. It could be 1/2 minute or less on the rear sight. Maybe both front and rear have been modified.
09-18-2014, 10:40
Elevation clicks would be unchanged with a NM . The hood splits the elevation change .
Devil Dog
09-18-2014, 02:57
Distance was 100yds.
Front sight looked to be std. height. It is marked NM .062
When rear sight is elevated 24 clicks, it looks just like a Garand sight that is elevated 24 clicks. As I adjusted, it moved 1 MOA each click.
What other things could cause the need for so much elevation? Keep in mind, the gun shoots great groups.
09-18-2014, 03:15
Well Dev I don't have an answer. I'll have to defer to our resident armorers/gunsmiths
Dan Shapiro
09-18-2014, 03:41
What other things could cause the need for so much elevation?
The stock.
I purchased a NM M1A in 2000, it came with a wood GI stock. Elevation for 200 yards was 9 clicks. Later, I changed to a GI fiberglass stock. Elevation for 200 yards was 2 clicks.
Devil Dog
09-18-2014, 04:48
What other things could cause the need for so much elevation?
The stock.
I purchased a NM M1A in 2000, it came with a wood GI stock. Elevation for 200 yards was 9 clicks. Later, I changed to a GI fiberglass stock. Elevation for 200 yards was 2 clicks.
That makes sense to me. If that's true, I would assume the stock is putting downward pressure on the barrel which it is supposed to. Mine is probably pulling too hard. I would hate to change anything as the gun shoots great. I think I'll work on the front sight.
09-18-2014, 06:57
Elevation clicks would be unchanged with a NM . The hood splits the elevation change .
Chris, now they make 1/2" MOA disks that can be glued on.
Just a possibility, but someone may gave stuck a taller sight made for the shorter barreled scout rifles. At any rate, I have found it handy to file my front sight down so I get poa to equal poi at 100yds with the rear sight bottomed out. That way I know I have to come up 4 clicks for an SR-1 X ring with a 6 oclock hold.
09-19-2014, 07:59
What other things could cause the need for so much elevation?
The stock.
I purchased a NM M1A in 2000, it came with a wood GI stock. Elevation for 200 yards was 9 clicks. Later, I changed to a GI fiberglass stock. Elevation for 200 yards was 2 clicks.
I should have thought about that. I had a M1903 stock with a downward curve at the tip which caused a big change in elevation settings. Dernnit I hate this getting old thing.
09-19-2014, 10:59
Chris, now they make 1/2" MOA disks that can be glued on.
Thanks . I knew about them but failed to recall that when needed.
Richard H Brown Jr
09-25-2014, 01:36
You don't have to shim the gas cylinder. different cylinder locks bottom off at different points on the threads, just try a few to get one close. There's an article on the web about how to tune the garand's barrel harmonics (vibrations in the metal after a shot) to improve accuracy. to include. trimming the rear handguard, changing gas cylinders to add/lessen weight on the end of the barrel. peening the barrel grooves to tighten the fit between the gas cylinder and the barrel, changing gas cyl. lock so it bottoms out closer the gaslock screw holes. I read it a few days back, but can't find the url to post it here.
Richard H Brown Jr
09-25-2014, 01:49
My Bad, it's NOT on the net, it's an article "Harmonics and Accuracy in the M1" by Charles Wooley in the latest issue of the GCA Journal (Vol. 28, Issue 4 Fall 2014) pg. 5. Basically the gas cylinder lock threads are not all threaded from the same point by all manufacturers. A pic in the article shows 3 different gas cylinder locks with 3 different lock-up positions on a garand. Each lock up creating a different harmonic pattern when you loosen it up so the gas cylinder lock screw can be inserted. With a CMP JCG legal rifle just changing the gas cylinder lock and shooting with Greek M2 ball ammo, from a sandbagged rest at 100yds in 5rnd groups. 12 o'clock lock up 4.688 in grouping, 10 o'clock lock up 2.752in grouping, 7 o'clock lock up 4.557 in group and 5:50 o'clock lock up 2.680 in group. Of course the grouping would change on each for a different lot of ammo, or match grade reloads. Something to think about.
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