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View Full Version : WTT: M1 Garand early SPG gas trap stock 1937 first year of production

10-13-2014, 01:24
I am no longer updating this ad because, no matter what email address I try to use, I do not get any email notifications of new replies to threads or new PMs. If you're interested in any of my parts (this list IS obsolete), please email me directly at josh@[the state of TN spelled out].edu and I will point you to where I have my parts listed elsewhere. Thanks, and sorry!

Hi all,
I just came into possession of really nice VERY EARLY S.P.G. gas trap stock, as some of you may have seen in my previous CMP forum post here:


According to a comment in that discussion thread by renowned M1 stock expert, Rick B, this stock dates from the first 1,000 or so production M1 rifles. Since 1,034 were produced in 1937, this stock very likely dates from 1937.

As mentioned in that post, this stock does not have any S.P.G. cartouche I can see, but it has the D28293 part number stamped on the stock. It also has an "O.G." rebuild stamp from Ogden, UT. It has a large hole over small hole in the butt (with modification for a trap door butt plate). It has a long channel, a "scooped" clip latch cutout, a number or letter stamped in the barrel channel, and numbers/codes stamped on the top front of the stock.

Here are photos:


If you would like better/different photos, or even the full-size originals, please let me know.

Although I'm studying to be a doctor, I question whether I would ever be able to afford to match this stock to an appropriate 3-digit gas trap rifle. So, I may part with it.

At this point, I am only interested in possibly trading this stock, not selling outright. I saw a fairly recent SPG stock sold on eBay for just under $4,500. I can't find pictures of that one, so I don't know how mine compares. I know mine is very rare, possibly more rare than that one since mine is from 1937. For now, I am assuming its value to be in that ballpark.

The following are the ONLY things I am currently considering for trade (in some combination totalling the value I'm looking for). For the M1 rifles and carbines listed, I am not necessarily looking for pristine condition, but the rifle/carbine must be completely correct with original finish, with no reproduction parts. Here's what I would currently entertain in trade (in my order of preference):

a pre-war or early 1942 Winchester M1 complete rifle with early features (long pad barrel, checkered flush nut sight, etc.)
a pre-war or early 1942 British Lend Lease M1 complete rifle
a 1942-1943 Winchester or IBM M1 Carbine or any year Inland M1A1 paratrooper Carbine
the following early WRA M1 parts (any or all): long pad barrel, checkered flush nut sight, WB in box stock (with cartouche) or any RS/WB stock without cartouche which I can convince myself might be the correct stock for the 1941 Winchester I'm correcting
a 1942 or earlier non-Lend Lease Springfield Armory M1 complete rifle
a 1943 or earlier Winchester M1 complete rifle

The following are additional things I'm interested in, not necessarily in order of preference:

a Mitchell Arms Yugo Zastava M76 sniper rifle (with original Yugo receiver only, not a US receiver)
an M1C sniper rifle with scope and mount (and papers) - sorry if I'm off my rocker about this, I can't find good data points for value
a Chinese NDM-86 (SVD copy) sniper rifle
a Mosin-Nagant PU or PE sniper rifle (original only, not a repro), bonus if it's Finish (SA) marked or an antique receiver
a British Enfield sniper rifle with original scope
a Springfield '03-A4 sniper rifle
a Luger pistol (9mm only)
an Action Arms/IMI UZI carbine
an Auto Ordnance semi-auto model 1927A1 Thompson carbine (early steel receiver only)

I am not in a rush to part with this stock. Unlike in my prior posts, though, I do have my C&R FFL now, so I can trade as soon as the right deal comes along.


P.S. I'm posting this on a few different forums.

10-20-2014, 02:53

10-28-2014, 07:21
Additional potential trades added, original list edited.

11-08-2014, 06:41

11-08-2014, 09:20
Still trades only?

11-16-2014, 10:53
I would consider a partial trade plus cash. Sorry I took over a week to respond to this. I thought I was set up to get email notification of replies, but that's not working...


11-16-2014, 10:55
I suppose it would help if I updated my email address at least every few years. The email address I had in Settings was 4+ years old. Yikes!

11-23-2014, 06:28

11-29-2014, 07:05

11-30-2014, 07:13
How much are looking to sell it for? If you are studing to be a doctor, the cash would be of greater help with tuition than another firearm?

12-07-2014, 04:54