View Full Version : Ordered S&W 57 to replace taurus
I just ordered a S&W mod 57 in .41 mag. New in the box and I hope to have it by the end of this week. I still have one from the factory on order but no one knows when it might ship. That's OK, I will have a spare.:eusa_dance:
Good deal; the Smith Model 57 is a far superior revolver to anything manufactured by Taurus. I know you will be happy with your decision.
10-28-2014, 12:07
Congrats Joe! Make the dead Taurus a wall hanger.
Congrats Joe! Make the dead Taurus a wall hanger.
The taurus POS went to the factory for repair. They either will not or can not repair it. It's out of production anyway as is several other models. Taurus did offer a credit on something that's in production, Big F'in deal. I want a .41 magnum! Nothing else!
strange that Taurus refused to honor their warranty............ Brother carried a S&W 57 4" since 1980 to about 5 years ago as a duty gun..........then he switched to a Colt Officer's 1911A1 in .45ACP for both plainclothes & uniform duty......that lil S&W 57 of his has always worn an old set of Ropers & it sure handles nice, even with very stout handloads.........You'll like it too, I'm sure.
Their warranty fine print is repair or replace at their option. As that model is no longer in production they can substitute something of like value that is current production. I'll work a deal on what I get from them.
Former Cav
11-07-2014, 07:53
you will be happy. Love my 57 with 8-3/8 barrel and target sights. Mine is 1980 vintage, cost $375 NEW back then with oak presentation case with cleaning rod, cardboard S&W box, and shipping box, and came with factory wood grips and also the rubber grips by that popular brand name. (can't remember dog gone it). I replaced those grips with the rubber hogue finger groove ones. Worked great for me.
Yah, I got a deal alright. taurus .44 mag POS came in. Told the dealer (where I bought the .41 mag) I didn't want another POS taurus give me a check. They wrote a check for $535.00. That's OK I'll never but a POS taurus again and NOTHING FROM THAT DEALER!!! You can take that to the bank.
Glad it all finally worked out for you. There's nothing like the feel, looks and quality of a S&W.
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