View Full Version : help me with this M1D scope mount problem please
10-30-2014, 05:10
hi guys
andy in italy here.
i need a little help with my m1d
it is an original hra m1 d, barrel drawing 555 etc. a correct korea era sniper. i bought it some months ago, and tonight i shot it for the first time...and...surprise.. the scope fall from the rifle.
i lock the big thread again, and again the scope fall after every shoot. :-((
so.. what i have to do? i wan to try to find and buy a new m84 scope Mount. but i also wish to try to buy a new tool to renew the thread hole .. but as i dont have it in italy i need to buy it somewhere online in usa... but i dont know the size. we have different unit measure here..
the try i made tonight is to swap the m84 scope from a friend of mine m1d, and his scope stay on my m1, and my scope stay on his m1...but as he have the serial rifle number on the scope Mount he wont swap it, of course.
so...any idea to fix my problem?
10-30-2014, 05:34 ( ( (
Griff Murphey
10-30-2014, 08:03
My 1995 DCM Lottery M-1D with all GI parts including scope and mount did exactly the same thing.
You might try a high strength glue like "Loc Tite" which I think is just an alpha cyanoacrylate glue. Of course this would be semi permanent. I had National Match Armory furnish a new GI mount, clean up the threads in the barrel mount block, and then Loc Tite mine.
A lot of the M-1D mounts made in the 1960's during the Viet Nam War were apparently out of spec and poor quality control. Fortunately few if any were used in combat, but some D's were used as sniper trainers.
I suspect that a lot of your problem has to do with all that grinding on the mount which I would guess was overdone and now leaves you with a problem related to the mount not being able to snug down on the block. Any idea of why someone would have relieved the mount like that? I also went and took my mount off and there is a small projection on the bottom of the mount that appears to have been completely ground off of yours. Are you sure that your mount is actually USGI?
There is Loc Tite Bearing mount product. It is not available as stores just don't order it. Motor repair shops use it and when applied to a hot surfance is close to perminent. I have seen metal pulled from bearing areas after use of this. Bearings took tons of pressure to pull the bearing. I hate that stuff but it works unless you have to pull a large bearing.
Johnny P
10-31-2014, 05:54
As twh mentioned, someone has ground the pads off the mount, probably in the mistaken belief that the mount would snug up better, and there is nothing to bind the mount down now. The actual contact area between the mount and the lug on the barrel may be too small to bind it down, and it appears that you need a new mount now.
10-31-2014, 10:57
I'm not a metal guy but could the pads be "rebuilt" with a tig welder or some such thing or is that simplistic thinking?
I have more than one and looking at mine, they look nothing like that mount. Mine look "clean".
I would try to find the mount part that clamps onto the scope. There is no number there. I bet there is some surplus site that has them. May not be cheap though.
Numrich might have them, their website shows them to be in stock, $67.55 .
11-02-2014, 08:35
I don't know what machinist cost are on that side of the pond, but welding it up then machining to the proper height will cost more then buying another over here. They can be bought for under $300 on Ebay. But if you have a friend that can do it for you, try and repair it.
I have a Numrich kit on my M1 no problems yet, some say they will not tighten down after awhile.
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