View Full Version : Book

11-01-2014, 06:16

Not what you're expecting though.

Details (http://www.5madfarmers.com/phpBB3_5mf/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=96)

11-01-2014, 07:35
Joe, I will have a money order mailed on Monday. Thanks, John

Dick Hosmer
11-01-2014, 09:19

Ned Butts
11-02-2014, 04:36
I'll take the three for five deal!!!!:icon_scratch:
But really will go for three, I'll be in touch

11-02-2014, 06:33
I'd love one too... how much and where do I send a check?

Dick Hosmer
11-02-2014, 07:29
I'd love one too... how much and where do I send a check?

Just click on "Details"

11-04-2014, 07:23
Great, money order going out today

Rick the Librarian
11-07-2014, 12:08
Dang ... just went into town before reading this. I'll have a money order out Mon.

Rick the Librarian
11-14-2014, 05:10
Joe, did the money I sent you for your book show up?


11-14-2014, 06:26
Joe, Book arrived today. Started chugging through the politics and history. Great to have access to your site. I'll get into the meat and potatoes shortly. Thanks, John

11-15-2014, 07:41
Joe, did the money I sent you for your book show up?


"Showing up" and my bookkeeper imbezzling it for drinking money are two different things....

Yes, the books for orders received Thursday or yesterday will go out this morning or Monday.


Joe, Book arrived today. Started chugging through the politics and history.

Definately different times.

Great to have access to your site.

"You can either do the photos in the book well or you can not do them well" was always a false dilemma; there are other mechanisms available.

I'll get into the meat and potatoes shortly. Thanks, John

Um, that was the meat and potatoes. :icon_scratch:

Aw, the cornbread part. The cornbread.:eusa_dance:

11-15-2014, 01:52
"Showing up" and my bookkeeper imbezzling it for drinking money are two different things....

"imbezzling?" "imbezzling?"

I've definately been doing too much work on "intrenching tools" lately.

If you sint mi an invilop with an ordir it's biin mailid. Unliss a dilay was riquistid. I didn't sind thim ixpriss though as it's midia mail.

Rick the Librarian
11-19-2014, 07:55
Got my copy of the book today - thanks!

11-19-2014, 08:49
Book arrived here as well, along with a book on the M-16 development and specs. Trying to decide which one to read first.

11-20-2014, 05:33
Got my copy of the book today - thanks!

No problem, thanks for the support.

11-20-2014, 05:35
Book arrived here as well, along with a book on the M-16 development and specs. Trying to decide which one to read first.

I'd read a page from each alternately page by page. Might come up with some interesting results that way.

I'm putting off reading the Krag book for another month. I'm going to let it come as a surprise to me.

Mark Daiute
11-26-2014, 04:03
Now I know why I should check in on Culver's more frequently. I missed the launch party.

11-30-2014, 09:42
Received my book, Thanks! Very interesting reading.

12-01-2014, 06:08
Received my book, Thanks! Very interesting reading.

Glad you're finding it interesting. Books are meant to be read.


12-01-2014, 09:09
Book arrived this P.M.. My wife was kind enough to drive to the daughters regional band concert so I could read. Joe, I really like the way your mind works. :). You have quotes from some of my favorite characters. Really enjoying the read. Have to agree on patterns and models. Common sense prevails.

12-03-2014, 07:23
I got mine yesterday and read some. I like the way it is laid out, as a series of essays. The writing is better than I expected and shows a pretty decent sense of humor. Now about the graphics ...


12-03-2014, 10:14
I'm not too sure I've ever had people complain about how I write, it's generally what I write.

Said it wouldn't be Mallory II.

That book was a learning experience in so many ways. Letting it sit for a year was a boo boo. Upgraded software in that gap and bad things happened to the formatting, fonts, etc.,

After that was straightened out it was a fist fight with the margins. I wanted to use a readable sized font. 300 pages was a hard limit (binding machines). The margins too were very specific. Those three combined and a series of fistfights ensued. You set the margins to what's recommended. Then they process it and send it back. There is an overlay showing what's in danger of being snipped. Given the measurements they provide aren't right that turned into trial and error. Each time I changed the margins the images danced around. One has "left" whereas it's now "right" or vice versa. That's the end result. Did bad things for the tables too. After I finally had it right, along with two black eyes and a fat lip, I was wary of another round. The book would have been improved but I'd have added a bloody nose. We called it a truce and went as is.

I think the additions 14 months later degraded it. Upon reflection I'd not have done that. Not greatly but in ways I'm not big on.

So parts are incomplete. Parts are missing. "Shoddy." Let's call them warts. Fluff adds texture and warts add character. I doubt there will be a second printing, and really doubt a second edition, but if I did print it again I'd not correct any of it. Not even the typos. It's not that I'm unaware of them, I read it with a highlighter and marked them up, it's that they don't matter to me. Others can disagree but then again they can write their own book their way.

So all in all I'm satisfied with it. It's bumpy in places. Incomplete in others. I could do better with another pass. That's overengineering though. While it would add it's unnecessary in my opinion and in this that is the opinion that mattered.

In fact in many ways I think it's a tour de force. Not in ways many would perceive but then again I'm probably not normal.

Some will like it. Some will hate it. Some will like to hate it and others hate to like it. That's not what I was after. Books are meant to be read. That one is readable.

12-03-2014, 03:56
I have to thank you for your disclaimer. My wife thought that was a hoot. I won't depend on it if I travel by plane.

12-04-2014, 08:42
Nuclear powerplants. Don't depend on it for those either.

I read some more. Made my head hurt.

12-06-2014, 05:18

You have got a very nice book there. I think with a minimal amount of work you could put out an edition that would be a slow, but regular seller and would bring you royalties every month of your life. And for your heirs.


12-06-2014, 06:42

You have got a very nice book there. I think with a minimal amount of work you could put out an edition that would be a slow, but regular seller and would bring you royalties every month of your life. And for your heirs.



I don't think the money matters. It would never be enough to justify the work involved. That wasn't really a motivator for me. If it was money I was after I'd go back to programming as it's less work with much higher returns.

No, I think that one is done. I think I'm going to do another very similar one. Even more shoddy in so many ways. I'll print about the same number. "Pulp." Yup. A step up from Mad Magazine. While I do the P Series. That's not pulp. Patents is almost done. The others will follow quickly. The rendering will go fast also. Fast being relative.

Whole set (http://www.5madfarmers.com/phpBB3_5mf/viewforum.php?f=43)

Volume 7 will be the big seller.

Volumes 1-5 will be slow sellers. Those are the ones I like. They're pretty far along. Far enough where I've started on Volume 8. 1-5 will probably be done by the end of 2015. I'm going to hold them for 7/8 though. They cross-feed.

I guess it does depend on what you're after. What am I after? I'm going to buy the printing equipment for the next group. That'll be fun. Fun is where it's at. It's a hobby.

I have a job. They pay me to show up so I do. Until I don't need that money any more and then I won't.

So I think 6, part 1 is done. 6, part 2 will be next summer. Quick. Dirty. Done. Then the good ones. The boring ones. The ones I like.

So thanks but I think that was a one and done. The thing is, in spite of the warts, I'm happy with it. I guess I do march to my own drummer. I don't use the armory system.....

Mark Daiute
12-06-2014, 07:54
I'm looking forward to my copy. Early Christmas for me, I hope.

Mark Daiute
01-30-2015, 01:00
I have serious issues with Farmer's Notes, Volume 6.

It requires thought. I have to think. It hurts, this having to think.

If I ever meet Mr. Farmer and we should have a conversation I hope he does not think me intelligent.


Plain Old Dave
02-05-2015, 09:47
Okay, I want one. But it will have to wait until I get paid again. .

03-15-2015, 02:12
sent a geneuwine U.S. POSTAL MONEY ORDER off today. Was sitting on it because of other incidents that prevented me from getting close to a Post Office.
Look forward to a space on my shelve.

Now, anyone need a Brophy? Found an extra in a box of trade goods.

Mark Daiute
03-17-2015, 11:42
sent a geneuwine U.S. POSTAL MONEY ORDER off today. Was sitting on it because of other incidents that prevented me from getting close to a Post Office.
Look forward to a space on my shelve.

Now, anyone need a Brophy? Found an extra in a box of trade goods.

Serious abut the Brophy? How much do you want for it?

Dick Hosmer
03-23-2015, 03:59
Copy arrived today. Been poking through it ever since - very interesting; really wasn't quite sure what to expect, other than the unexpected, and am so far pleased. Will probably start reading from the beginning tonight.

It certainly is NOT another Mallory or Brophy, or Poyer, and that is probably a good thing. My only negative comment so far concerns the too-dark photos which, in some cases, printed as little more than silhouettes.

No, I did NOT pay Joe for the references! One will have to buy the book - which anyone interested in Krags really should do - to see what I mean. :1948:

04-09-2015, 01:02
One and a quarter.. includes shipping. good condition.
Home is Houston, Texas......no snow this winter!

04-10-2015, 02:11
5mad...book came to house yesterday, instead of work address.
Been reading first few pages......you are weird, weird, wacky?
Glad to know of you and now know MORE of you!