View Full Version : potential stock problem
11-03-2014, 12:03
Hi guys. I replaced the stock on my Mitchell mauser high turret sniper rifle. the Mitchell stock cross bolt shows signs of it moving rearward into the stock. now on the new original byf stock I replaced it with, seems to be doing the same after firing 15 rounds. what causes this, and what can I do to fix it?
I don't want to risk ruining a original stock. ( ( (
You seem to picture two different cross bolts. Top one has a WaA stamp which is quite clear (new stock, I assume), bottom one looks highly polished (Mitchells work I assume). Some thing is very loose to allow receiver lug to slam back into lug. Has the receiver been highly polished on the recoil lug as the cross bolt has been? The only fix would be to remove wood behind the cross bolt and glass bed the receiver where it belongs.
I am sure you know that Mitchell Mauser's are rebuilt from RC's or what ever, no telling what they did with them!
Following up on what Dave said about the possibility that the back side of the receiver lug having been overly polished. You might want to take some measurements of the lug thickness and compare it to other German 98's. Of course the front edge of the recoil lug may likewise have been scrubbed down too. I would think that if the lug surface(s) had enough metal removed during refinishing to create such a gap, you should be able to visually see evidence of such harsh treatment in the metal thickness where the lug meets the receiver.
11-04-2014, 11:07
stock shrinkage, maybe. How does the recoil lug look inside? Is the cross bolt tight? are the mounting screws tight? and did you retighten them after every shot so that they bed?
Repair, I would bed them in epoxy if you insist on shooting that stock, or switch to a Minnelli stock to save an original.
11-05-2014, 12:32
I backed out the trigger guard capture screws abd was able to tighten down a fraction more of a turn. Don't thinkthis will be able to alone stop any rearward movement. When I get a chance I'll disassemble and inspect the underside of receiver. Don't have a tool to tighten the cross bolt.
11-07-2014, 07:21
Brownells sell the for $27.00. If you shoot Mausers you should have one.
11-15-2014, 11:16
Brownells was sold out of the wrench. Finally took k98 apart to examine inside. Didn't seem like Mitchell ground the lug as is still kinda rough (compared to other metal they touched) lug deff seems narrower than theslot. How expensive would it be to bed it? ( (
You could do that job yourself. Last time I bought a kit it was about $35.00 plus ship. Read up on how it's done before you start.
11-21-2014, 06:03
I think I would loosen the lug and push it forward then put the Epoxy bedding material between the lug and the stock. That way you reduce the chance of getting material in the threads.
Looks like that stock has been messed with. Where is the recoil lug (stock bolt). If its that part that looks like wood, then wood has been removed from behind it, back to the TG opening . And it looks curved downward on back side? That is your problem! And why is TG opening rounded at the front?
11-23-2014, 11:43
And why is TG opening rounded at the front? stock came from Norway, so I assume maybe came off a 3006 converted k98, the the rounded front to accommodate the longer round?
The bolt pushed back into the wood. Isn't curved down.
It does not appear "pushed back", there is no gap at the front, there are no gaps at sides. I have a Norway 30/06 and only receiver is cut (notch) out, magazine is untouched. While it has rounded corners, does not have the large arch yours does. Cross bolt should have wood even with its top--back to the mag. The mag fits tight into its opening in reciever so all the way back to rear action bolt, recoil is absorbed.
You will have to remove recoil C.B. to get a clear picture to show whats going on, can't tell metal from wood now. Or get a clear idea of depth of wood at various points. Can you show pic of original stock at that point?
I made a tool for cross bolt using a small open end wrench of proper size (ignition wrench set). Just grid the ends done to pins to fit into holes. Have removed many, many cross bolt with it over many years. Did the same for Czech band screws with the span holes using old screw driver.
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