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View Full Version : who HAS a 454 Casull or a 460 S&W?

Former Cav
11-16-2014, 09:41
Please comment only if you have one, had one, or fired one more then once.
I don't want to hear about my buddies friend who said this and that.
no rumors please.

11-16-2014, 10:33
I have a S&W .460 mag. I shoot it once in a while. It takes me 3 to 5 rounds to get the feel of it again. The most I have shot at one time is 25 rounds. After that I seem to loose a bit of accuracy. It's important to have a good stance and be standing. The recoil is heavy but can be managed. It's also a good idea to reload as store bought ammo is high. What else would you like to know about it?

Former Cav
11-17-2014, 06:47
What else would you like to know about it?

How long is the barrel on yours?
did you have it magnaported?
what is a good price on a used one?
good price on a new one?
Does it have a "shock absorbing" grip like the Taurus raging bull 454 has?

whats your favorite load. (I do reload ammo and have been doing it since 1980 with ZERO Kabooms).

11-18-2014, 04:35
I think it has a 8" and comes with 2 breaks, one for jacked and one for lead bullets. The grip does absord alot of the recoil. I have mine for several years so I can't even guess a price. I'll have to check my book to see what I'm loading. don't want to provide false info. You might want to check my posts on taurus somewhere below.

da gimp
11-18-2014, 09:02
Cav...... if you can. go to the S&Wforum.com..... Lee Jarret owns & runs that one......... On the modern revolver board, a fella has posted his results of shooting the 12 or 13 (I think) different barrel length .460 S&W's he owns............ and I think he's shot over 1300 rounds.... he lists loads, groups, velocities etc........ with different custom grips on some.........from the shortest I believe is 2 1/2' or 3" to the longest ...... I believe is 11" or 12". Heck his round count might be 10 times that too.... Hope this helps you sir..........& remember, you can fire .45Long Colt & .454 Casull's in a .460 S&W..........but not the other way around.

11-18-2014, 09:20
I tried some .45 Colt in it. Really poor accuracy but they were loaded for my Colt SAA which I baby some what.

11-19-2014, 07:06
For my .460 mag I load with H110. Large fire ball at muzzel but when other shooters are too close, touch a couple off and you'll get the room you need.

Mike Josephic
11-24-2014, 12:09
I have a Taurus "Raging Bull" .454 Magnum I bought new about 15 years ago when they first came out.
I've shot over 1,000 rounds through it and found it to be very accurate and reliable. I developed my own
hand-loads and my favorite recipe was 30 grains of 296 with a 300 grain Freedom Arms soft point. I carried
it in a shoulder holster for hunting about about 6 years when I got tired toting a rifle. If you need more
or specific info, send me a PM and I'll reply.

I don't shoot it much now since I've gotten "older" and arthritis affects my hands making it rather painful.

da gimp
11-24-2014, 06:02
you can run any .454's in the big S&W .460 revolver....... and the heaviest .454 loads while they are a step up from heavy loaded .45 Colts, but they are not near the stopping power of full house .460's... .You cannot fire S&W .460 ammo in a .454 Casull.........S&W is also recognized as being of far surperior quality to the Taurus pistols..............for that kind of money...... for the little difference in price between the S&W .460 & the Taurus .454 . I'd get the S&W X frame .460 every time...........

11-24-2014, 07:48
I'm with you on that gimp.