View Full Version : Very nice Krag Score at Texas State Garand/Vintage

Griff Murphey
11-20-2014, 07:31
Gregg Foster shot a 95x1 in Prone Slow, 96x1 in Prone Rapid, and an 89 in Offhand for a 280x2. This was only good for fourth place in Vintage Rifle but would have been good for second in Springfield. Anyway I think this is an outstanding bit of shooting by him and I wanted to tell everyone about it. Always good to see Krags in use.

11-21-2014, 02:09
That is simply awesome! Hopefully, next year, I can come close to that with my 98 too!

11-22-2014, 12:05
Would have been good enough for 29th at the Nationals, but well above the highest listed Krag there, which was a 268-3X shot by Texan Lee McKinney. There may have been a Krag or two in the ten scores above his that don't have the firearm listed.