View Full Version : Two Colts
I recently acquired a 1957 production 7 1/2 in Single Action Army. When comparing it to my very late, 1977 2nd Gen pistol, I was surprised to see a color difference between the trigger guards. The late model (which I've owned since early 1978) has a plum colored trigger guard whereas the early 2nd Gen's guard is blue. Has anyone else seen such differences? ( (
A friend of mine once did blueing. He told me the plum color was the result of blue solution being too hot.
If true maybe at later date Colts inspection and quality control had slipped.
Too much pot and LSD??? I wonder what the 3rd Gen pistols look like because 85447SA had to be right at the end of 2nd Gen production. No matter, it is a beautiful coloration. One thing is for sure; mine is a serious disease and I suppose I better round things out with a 5 1/2 in example.
Johnny P
11-30-2014, 06:20
I had an early 3rd generation SAA that the triggerguard turned the same plum color over a period of time, and I suspect that the triggerguard was a casting. Since it always seems to be the triggerguard, I suspect a silicon alloy in the casting. Colt also had a problem with the cylinder release on the Colt Python turning plum over time, and according to Colt it was the alloy used in the part.
That's really interesting. I honestly cannot remember the color of it almost 37 years ago. It could be that it has slowly turned color over the years without my noticing it. I'll have to look at other late Gen 2s and Gen 3s at gunshows. Nothing seems to be simple or easy anymore!
Johnny P
12-01-2014, 08:11
I can assure you that it was not plum color when new. Mine turned plum over a 15 or so year period. I had it reblued back to it's original color and sold it.
My Cimmaron was less than $300 with a box of shells when new some 15 years ago, is smoother and better finished, shoots great, and hasn't changed colors.
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