View Full Version : Congress Protects Surplus M14, M1 Garands, & M1911 Pistols in CRomnibus
Under Title VIII of the Division C (DoD Appropriations Act), as part of the Continuing Resolution (CRomnibus), Congress made it very clear that none of the funds were to be used to dispose of older-style and much beloved military rifles and handguns.
SEC. 8018. None of the funds available to the Department of Defense may be used to demilitarize or dispose of M–1 Carbines, M–1 Garand rifles, M–14 rifles, .22 caliber rifles, .30 caliber rifles, or M–1911 pistols, or to demilitarize or destroy small arms ammunition or ammunition components that are not otherwise prohibited from commercial sale under Federal law, unless the small arms ammunition or ammunition components are certified by the Secretary of the Army or designee as unserviceable, unsuitable, or unsafe for further use.
Sadly someone will show that they are "Unsuitable or Unsafe" if in civilian hands and that will be enough for the New Liberal Government. Rick B
Maybe there will be some surplus powder, brass and bullets at a good price. I can only hope!
yup joem. glad for any good news too.. it's been a spell since we had some.
12-14-2014, 03:24
we shall see, but I won't hold my breath
The CR-Omnibus is only good through 9/15. I just got a message from John Lott via Steve Hotze's newsletter that sez BO is so pumped up by his success to date in single-handedly repealing the deportation laws and he hates our guns and ammo so much that, before his term is up, he's going to use unilateral executive power to require the universal background checks and AWB that didn't pass Congress in 2013.
we can bet that they aren't done trying. Both Soros & Bloomberg are still donating huge bucks to weak-minded/weak-willed congress critters & presidential hopefuls as long as they promise to be as sneaky & anti-gun as they are...........They both try to mandate that the American people donate money to post turtle politicians who only offer post hole seeds & porcupine eggs as hopes for the future of our nation............
If you need a translation on
1) post turtle. a turtle that is found on top of a corner fence post.. he didn't get up there by himself but he's to incompetent to get down by himself either. In other words, he's a politician who has reached a job he's totally unqualified for........sound familiar?
2) post hole seeds.......... dig a hole, drop one of these in it & voila you can plant a new post...... cheap too, mine are only $20.00 apiece for the small ones, $50.00 for corner post hole seeds.
3) porcupine eggs.. cockle burrs
:1948::banana100::1948::banana100::1948::banana100 ::1948::banana100::1948::banana100:
This law has been around since the 80's or certainly 90's.
This isn't new. But thanks! :)
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