View Full Version : Springfield Research Service, what the heck happened?

12-15-2014, 11:08
I know Mallory died years ago but I was under the impression the Springfield Research Service still existed?

I just did a search for it and the old SRS site came up with a notice that the new url was Martial Arms Collector. But when I found that site in the search and tried to click it it tried to redirect me to a porn site! Hopefully didn't get any viruses or other nasties from it.

Is it kaput/go under and lose it's domain? What happened?

Tom Trevor
12-15-2014, 02:54
Just tried it here. Searched and found it working. You do know the free on line lookup has been removed for some time now. For a check now you must be a paid member 35.00 a year. Not sure what toe I stepped on but early this year my renewal check was mailed back to me uncashed twice so I took the HINT!
Almost all the numbers they have are in the five book Mr Mallory published over the years so if you post a number nere someone with the boos will I think look for you.

12-15-2014, 04:05
Thanks for the info, I'm a little hesitant to try again but it could be that the link in the search results had been compromised.

Am glad to know they are still around at least.

12-15-2014, 07:42
SRS is still in business. I received my copy of the latest U. S. Martial Arm Collector magazine last week.

Dick Hosmer
12-17-2014, 03:12
Just tried it here. Searched and found it working. You do know the free on line lookup has been removed for some time now. For a check now you must be a paid member 35.00 a year. Not sure what toe I stepped on but early this year my renewal check was mailed back to me uncashed twice so I took the HINT!
Almost all the numbers they have are in the five book Mr Mallory published over the years so if you post a number nere someone with the boos will I think look for you.

I probably stepped on all ten of 'em, and no longer go through the motions. If I ever want to fill out my MAC series, it will have to be sub-rosa (and I'll have to be very careful whom I pick as the intermediary). What a difference a death made!

I'm always glad to look up numbers.