View Full Version : WTT / WTS US GI 30-06 Brass , Once Fired

12-15-2014, 03:24
1940's -1950's headstamps . Maybe 1000 plus rds or so. Would like to trade for once fired 300 Win Mag , .45 ACP , .45 LC brass , bullets , scopes , gunparts , guns ....whatever we can agree on . Email or phone me.
(406) 331-0058

da gimp
12-15-2014, 06:00
your USGI .30 M1 Rifle brass (.30-06) needs to be separated into corrosive primers & non corrosive primer piles.. Major Culver lists an excellent spread on this on the Ammo Dump Board here............ without this separation, I wouldn't offer a penny a case if you paid shipping.

12-15-2014, 07:06
Oh , OK. Well now I wouldn't sell any of it to you for 5 bucks a round, second day air (my dime). I listed the years to make any prospective purchaser aware that there is corrosive (spent) priming in much of this brass IF that really matters to anybody.
I've been reloading US GI '06 brass for various springfields and garands since the early 70's. I've loaded thousands of rounds of UCC 1918 and FA 1929 that were primed and fired using corrosive AND mecuric priming and NEVER had a case failure or a problem with a rusted bore.
Any pre 1953 once fired gi brass that I have loaded ( 6-8 reloads in many instances ) were and still do get soaked in a hot water bath with a very small amt of phosphoric acid added (as a cleaner......you know , primer residue & salts , powder residue , asphalt bullet sealant , dirt ) then dumped out and another hot water rinse , then air dried in direct sunshine on hot summer days before being tumble cleaned .
Oh , I looked at all 12 pages of the ammo dump to see if Dick had something to say about reloading corrosively primed brass just in case I've been a absolute idiot doing just that for the last 40 years and could not find any such posting .
I might sell you some , post paid for 8 bucks a round.

da gimp
12-15-2014, 09:31
sorry to get your big boy panties in a bind newbie. but I won't fire any corrosive primed brass in any of my garands ever......... I listed a recommendation that was wisely offered...........dick's lists every known first lot of when non corrosive primers were used.

12-16-2014, 07:02
You're sorry alright. Make that 9 bucks per round .

12-16-2014, 08:45
Boys, boys, play nice.

12-16-2014, 11:02
Corrosive priming compounds DO NOT degrade brass, only steel.