View Full Version : Request for help selecting parts for project

12-18-2014, 05:48
Back when I was a kid--late 1970s or so--I acquired my first centerfire rifle. It was a post-war (I think) sporterized 1903. Springfield receiver, parts from the usual mix of manufacturers, Lyman 48 rear sight and Lyman 17 (I think) front sight, set up in a cutdown C stock. The stock had been further modified to somewhat-resemble a Model 54 Winchester. In other words, pretty-much a typical post-war sporter.

I shot it a lot. About the time it was due to be re-barreled for the 2nd time, someone pointed out to my mother that LN Springfields "weren't safe" and my mom made me sell it. I've had a dozen or so Springfields since then but none I liked as much, so I'm planning on building another like it.

I've got "parts". I'd appreciate some help figuring out which of the parts I have are appropriate to use for such a project, and which should be swapped off to someone who wants to restore their rifle. For instance, neither action has been D&T'd; I hesitate to do that to an unmodified action. I don't know if it would matter with these, or if I'd be better-off finding one that has already been modified.

What I've got:
--a Mark I barreled action. On the plus side, the action is decent and it shoots fairly well. On the minus side, it is missing floorplate/spring/follower, has a SHT bolt; the barrel was "polished" and the rear sight was removed/replaced with what looks to be a Williams guide sight. (No, I have no idea what whoever did the work was thinking.)
--a Remington action, serial number in the 3.05 million range. Complete except for the extractor.
--grasping groove stock. Used and bumped around, but not sporterized. Stamped with the circle P on the bottom wrist, and what is probably a rack number on the comb. Except for the barrel band spring and 2 crossbolts, it is missing all metal.
--a scant stock that was unfortunately in the hands of a near-bubba. Sanded, with what were probably various "flaws" filled with what looks like Micro-bed and never sanded down. Two crossbolts, barrel band spring, no other metal. There is a number stamped on the side of the buttstock.
--a loose barrel. Probably a takeoff, but it doesn't look too bad. Marked R-A and 3-44 near the muzzle, no sights.
--a rusted-out take-off barrel I can rob for the rear sight base and front sight.

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm not in a hurry on this project, it isn't like I need it done right away.


Darreld Walton
12-18-2014, 08:33
Without seeing the prospective parts, tough to say for sure, but, here goes......
I'm unclear what your goal is. If you're looking to duplicate the home-built sporter of your youth, then, your path is fairly clear, as I see it.
Put the Mk I into the scant, after cleaning it up and refinishing, and perhaps bedding. Cut the forearm off ahead of the lower band retaining spring, and shape it to resemble the 1922 rimfire or sporter stock. The scant stock has a higher comb, making it a lot more comfortable to shoot, and other than the 'short' grip, will pretty much feel like your old C stock. Replace the SHT bolt!
Find an extractor, put the Remington 03 (sounds like a fairly low number) up for sale, as well as the rest of your parts, with honest descriptions of everything. You'll likely recoup enough to cover the cost of the project. A quick look around says that you'd likely get in the neighborhood of $150-200 for the barrel, perhaps the same for the actions. Stocks, well, who knows. You didn't say if they were cut down or modified.
If you're looking for a military 'resto' type project, sell everything, use the cash toward something that's complete, and just needs a bit of 'help'.

12-18-2014, 09:39
PM sent

12-18-2014, 10:27
Thanks for the replies!

The plan is definitely to recreate my old sporter, but using a later action. If I build on the Mk I, I'll definitely replace the bolt. If the rifle were just for my use, I might not, but since I intend to also use the rifle for teaching kids to shoot, it has to go.

I considered using the scant stock, but would really prefer a C stock. I was never comfortable with the partial grip on the scant stocks. Given the past popularity of C stocks for sporters, I figure I'll eventually run across one that has already been shortened.

The two stocks are still issue length.

I'll try to get pictures shot this weekend. Any particular areas I should concentrate on?

Bob, you have a PM.


Darreld Walton
12-19-2014, 12:29
Instead of trying to locate and modify an "original" C stock, you'd be much farther ahead to pick one up fron Boyd's, or the CMP, or DuPage Trading, and modify to your hearts content!! Cheaper by far, and you won't be hacking up a historical piece! They ain't makin' originals anymore!!! http://estore.thecmp.org/store/catalog/catalog.aspx?pg=product&ID=086#
I've got several cut down C stocks from projects gone bad. Non-recoverable, I'm afraid, I use them for patch material for other projects.

Randy A
12-19-2014, 08:33
Coffeecup, I think I have everything you're looking for, including a barrel. Sporterized springfield C stock, all kinds of sporter bolts and a beautiful star gauged 4-37 barrel that bubba also shortened 2". He did reinstall the original front sight after shortening.

Randy A
12-19-2014, 08:53
And a Redfield rear peep.