View Full Version : M14 Parts Kit...
12-24-2014, 07:01
Any M14 parts kits out there for sale? Just asking!
12-24-2014, 08:07
There were a couple for sale on the CMP forum not that long ago.
ETA: There is one for sale on right now for $1,500.
12-24-2014, 11:03
they show up now and then, few are reasonably priced though.
12-24-2014, 05:54
What are the kits going for? I wouldn't need a barrel. I remember CMP offering kits without a barrel for $600. I bet they are higher now.
How about parts, anyone have extra bolt, op Rod, trigger group, etc?
12-25-2014, 07:15
I paid $699 a year ago off of gun broker with no barrel, no bolt and no stock. The same person was selling them for $1000 this summer then ran out.
12-25-2014, 12:45
LRB is selling kits on GB now in a couple of configurations.
Here is most of what you need
Windy City Sourcing has great refinished & retabbed op-rods in the $190 range, they have a lot of the other GI parts also including nice gas systems, flash hiders and all your small parts.
If you are not set on GI, either James River or LRB has bolts. James River in the <$200 range stripped. You are looking at $70-100 for the guts.
Let me see what I have and will shoot you a PM if I have anything extra but I tend to hoard for that next build or 3.
Do you already have a receiver?
I still think the best way to go is buy an older used rifle and swap what you don't need and sell it off.
Or, you can score a slightly used newer SAI rifle in the $1200 range these days.
GI parts seem to be bringing high $$$ but there also appears to be a glut of whole rifles for sale.
12-27-2014, 05:13
Thanks for the help. I am planning to build a SoCom and a am going to get a commercial receiver. I was wanting to use military parts and hoped to get a complete kit. i guess I need a parts list if I am going to buying everything separately and would probably pay more? I know every part of the Garand by heart but not that familiar with the M14/M1A small pieces, etc.
I looked at the kit on gun broker, pretty interesting. Would you have the bolt and sight etc. to complete my needs?
12-27-2014, 01:34
Bolts are the most expensive part of the plan (other than the receiver) and sorry but I have no spares (hoarding the GI ones that I have)
Who are you going to get to put on the barrel? If you are going to have that done, you should consider the JRA bolt option I have one in one of my rifles and they are good quality. Then the builder could ensure fit correct headspace for the bolt/barrel. The barrel may have to be reamed so don't take chances with that. Make sure you get someone who knows what they are doing. SoCom, you are going to have to get the correct height front site (Fulton I would think has them). The standard one you get with a GI FH may not be tall enough.
You can use a Garand rear site if you want to save some $$.
Trigger group you are going to need the M14 housing but can use late Garand internals.
Check on M14TFL, they are going fast but a real good guy 'forceman' is selling flash hiders, gas systems and op-rods. I have bought from him and the stuff is excellent. Actually, again for the SoCom you can't use a GI flash hider (with a bayonet lug) if you want to be able to take out the gas plug w/o removing the FH.
Complete kits are harder to come by but possible. You will probably pay a bit more buying piecemeal but you can ensure you get what you want with each part (e.g. the flash hider and a SoCom). Call Mike at Windy City when the holiday is over and see what he has. He is a great guy and eager to help.
Happy to keep the discussion going here or feel free to send me an e-mail and I will answer anything I can.
You also have several receiver choices so check those.
James River
SAI - I am not really sure where you get an SAI receiver these days, I don't believe Champions Choice sells them anymore.
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