View Full Version : U.S. marked S&W Model 14
12-28-2014, 10:37
Would anyone care to comment on the legitimacy of the U.S. marking on this older Smith?
I've never seen a US marked one with adjustable sights.
It's a Model 14 K-38 Target Masterpiece and made in single action only as well as a normal single and double action types. Made from 1947 to 1981. Being a target revolver it could have been bought by one of the many military pistol teams in the past. Anything is possible.
randy langford
12-28-2014, 08:07
Only a factory letter could prove that. I have letter and number stamps and could do one very close if not exact to that. Proceed with caution I am not implying it is fake but without documentation who knows. I would bid only what a standard shooting example would bring unless seller can provide proof it is legitimate.
02-01-2015, 07:17
I have one of these pistols, according to a booklet I purchased at a SWCA collectors convention. 1000 were bought by the US government for pistol teams. When the government disposed of them they went to the Oklahoma State Police and were marked on the bottom of the grips OSP and a rack number. I've seen two here in the Austin/San Antonio area. Mine is in the Serial Number Range K 2716XX and the other I've seen was K 2713XX They were shipped to the U.S. Army 30 July 1956 It would probably letter as military.
I hope this helps
SWCA 892
Johnny P
02-02-2015, 05:13
One way or the other, I would want a letter. Even at the price paid, I wouldn't want bogus markings.
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