View Full Version : Air Force M-56

01-02-2015, 08:26
basically a 2" Smith Wesson Combat Masterpiece (pre-Model 15)...

does anyone remember if it had the target hammer and trigger or if they had the standard hammer and trigger?

i know General LeMay wanted all of the target stuff on the Combat Masterpiece M15 when the Air Force bought them for general use but i cant find enough info on the M-56...

01-06-2015, 01:47
I once had one briefly, and IIRC, standard hammer and trigger.

01-20-2015, 07:55
I've got a de-milled M13 I need to restore as best as possible.

da gimp
01-25-2015, 11:12
guys, it'd be my guess that you need to go to the:


and ask over there on the appropriate board. I'd say on the pinned & recessed board. On all things S&W, go there and ask. Roy Jinks, Lee Jarrett & all the best experts in the world on S&W hang out there every day and are eager to help those who like/collect/restore S&W firearms.

there's a knockoff imitation S&W board too, so watch out & just use the one Lee Jarrett & the boys have, his handle is: handejector. Hope this helps.