View Full Version : 03 parts for sale

Mickey Christian
01-30-2015, 05:11
1918 J5 straight handle DHT bolt body w/extractor collar. It is either reparked (charchol grey) or near new. Finish and condition are excellent................$75.00 shipped SPF

1919-1920 L9 swept handle bolt body w/extractor collar in excellent shape but polished bright............................................ .....................................$75.00 shipped

lower band w/swivel and screw, excelent condition, may be 98% original finish............................................ .......................................$25.00 shipped

Lyman 48 (?) rear sight in excellent condition ( I have seen this same one on M2 .22s)
with Lyman 17 globe front sight with small Lyman tin with 9 extra apperatures all for $250.00 shipped

Repro "C" stock with NOS band spring and butt swivel. Has been notched for above rear sight............................................. ........................................$150.00 shipped SPF

Can email photos......sorry, can't post them.

Thanks for looking

Plain Old Dave
01-30-2015, 07:24
You have PM regarding the C stock.

01-30-2015, 08:56
F you still have the J5 bolt, I will take it. Let me know. Thanks, Tom

Mickey Christian
01-30-2015, 03:25
tbryan the J5 bolt is yours.

email me for particulars.

Plain Old Dave
02-01-2015, 05:49
Stock is SPF.

02-01-2015, 07:20
Mickey, did you get my email ?

Mickey Christian
02-02-2015, 03:53

02-07-2015, 07:31
I'm having trouble getting communicating with you as to getting an address to send the money to. You indicated that you were selling me the J 5 bolt you had advertised , and I will send the money as soon as I hear from you. Thanks, Tom

Mickey Christian
02-08-2015, 05:17
Sent PM