View Full Version : what will it run me?

02-09-2015, 09:34
hello all,

my recent aquicision, a dec '42/jan '43 rem 03a3, is missing a few parts. i am in the market for all metal fwd the rear band (fwd band/bayo band/ft sight).

can you all tell me what i might be expecting to pay to round all these parts up (no repro)? im not too concerned with keeping it all rem, but if price is the same, id get rem. ive done a bit of searching certain web sights, but im afraid of getting repro parts.


Allen Humphrey
02-09-2015, 10:29
$65'ish if you can get everything from the same source and combine shipping. Remington parts will be the easiest to find.

02-10-2015, 07:54
ive done a bit of searching certain web sights, but im afraid of getting repro parts.

Try Bill Ricca. No repop parts there.

02-10-2015, 06:48
Hello Douglas,
An email has been sent about the parts.