View Full Version : Need help identifying hammer
It has case color and marked with a small letter "s" on back side. it looks like a 1865-1866 hammer but seems to be to short and nose of hammer too long. I have pictures of measurements below. Thanks for any help on this.
Dick Hosmer
02-10-2015, 08:01
That is exactly what it is. Such hammers were used on a few of the very earliest 1865s, but were soon changed. Musket hammers have more metal than TD hammers, and at first they were simply reforged, producing the extreme nose, but this was soon trimmed back. Explanation in my book is incorrect and is already noted on the errata list, if it is reprinted.
Ok thanks for the info. I was thinking it was maybe a prototype of a 1868 hammer or just as you said above but was used on only the first few model 1868's that where in production.
I never got a chance to get your book so i wouldn't know what your explanation was for doing so.
Dick Hosmer
02-10-2015, 09:13
I had presumed that it was to reduce lock time by shortening the hammer fall, but, leaving metal as reforged, without trimming is, I believe now, the proper answer. Of course, the 65s and 66s have more offset than later hammers as well.
As to the book - $25 for an autographed copy, postpaid in the US, to POB 1367, Colusa CA 95932.
02-15-2015, 07:47
Buy the book
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