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JimW in Ore
02-14-2015, 06:14
What is the soap that is used for soaking stocks to ready them for refinishing. TIA I believe it was Arm & Hammer soda something or A&H something soda.
Trisodium phosphate (TSP) will help remove the oil. I have applied TSP paste made with a little water on very oil soaked stocks. Murphy's Oil soap cleans stocks. Citrus Strip will remove the old finish. I don't think soaking a stock is the best prep for refinishing at stock.
I always use Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (you had it correct). It is not really a soap and I do not have a box to read ingredients at this time. (if left in box it will absorb moisture and get rock hard, so I transfer it to plastic jugs). It can be found in any market that sells laundry soap. Use hottest water your heater puts out. Soak for 30-40 min. submerged completely. Soak in plain hot water to rinse. Dry for several days. I use a lead strip for weight from roofing seals and bath tub for the soak. Dents will raise and marks will reappear when stained or finished.
In my opinion TSP is too strong and I would not use it. Wood is 70% or more water when in a tree and water will not hurt it. It does not absorb to any great depth when done as above anyway. Dry with a towel, blow out holes and inleted areas and it will appear dry in 10 min or less. Do not dry in sun or under/over heat, just air dry.
I have used this method for years and never had a problem and it works. But it will remove all color and will look like a new piece of wood!
Oh---be sure to clean the bath tub if you want to remain on good terms with your wife!! Any detail questions, post back and ask.
JimW in Ore
02-15-2015, 06:48
Thanks Dave, had a box and the wife tossed it. I have used before with good results. I just could not remember the full name. Thanks again.
I have done many dozens of stocks this way and never had any issues.
Takes maybe 10 -15 minutes for a completetly clean bare stock . Its a really simple ,I first take Purple Power degreaser full strength and put it in a spray bottle.
I then spray down the stock with full strength degreaser, immediataly you will see years of grease. oil and dirt start to roll off. I do this in a utility sink but you can do it in a bucket etc.
I then take a soft nylon bristle brush and go over the stock.
Rinse very well with hot water while rubbing with brush .
I will usually do procedure one more time except the last time wipe dry with cotton towel.
If stock is very oil soaked it may take another cleaning .
I then let the stock set to dry out of direct heat source.
If it drys slowly you have a less chance of wood warping.
This is what the wood looks like after drying
I let the stock dry for a day or two before refinishing
Ver helpful information! Got a couple of fairly greasy stocks that need some attention. sincerely. bruce.
02-16-2015, 07:44
I use a solution of equal parts of Turpentine, BLO and Ammonia, scrubbed with a Scotch Brit pad. But, first the Black Trash bag to leach out the old oils and wax, wipe down with paper towels.
I don't leave anything on the wood for long, don't want it to soak in and give me problems later.
02-19-2015, 03:06
Also try "Spic_n_ Span" 1/2 cup in hottest water you can get. just get one with solution and flush off, some areas might need repeat applications.
JimW in Ore
02-19-2015, 06:20
Thanks everyone.
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