View Full Version : New Member - New Trapdoor
02-16-2015, 08:38
Hello all. New here, and in a tough spot. Going through a divorce right now, but my dad has always wanted a trapdoor. I started saving pennies for an M1 Garand when I was 12 (31 now). Got a Winchester late last year, but I couldn't keep it, because this trapdoor came across my path.
I'd like to get a full length stock back on it, as well as all associated hardware. The breech block is flat, but it makes me think it is an Allin conversion as it says "1878".
My family is going to chip in any monetary assistance they can. I know he'll want an original stock/cleaning rod/bayonet.
Working on getting some pictures uploaded.
Welcome and Mr. Hosmer is the man for info on the trapdoor
Major Tom
02-17-2015, 04:53
Recheck that "1878" number with a magnifying glass. It should be '1873'.
Are you saying you have just a stock and no other parts? Sell the stock and buy a full length rifle on trapdoorcollector web site. The trapdoor rifles on that web site are priced fairly and in all correct configuration.
Before you spend another nickel on ANYTHING, take a look at trapdoorcollector .com!
As stated above, this is THE website for ACCURATE information!
Look at the ENTIRE website and get a first-rate education! --Jim
02-17-2015, 07:08 ( ( ( ( ( (
02-17-2015, 07:36
Wood to replace the fore arm and bands are available from S&S firearms. Finding an original full length stock is nearly impossible.
02-17-2015, 07:52
This is only my own personal opinion and it's worth exactly what you are paying for it.
If you do find an original stock and the hardware to go with it you will still end up with a parts gun. You might consider trying to sell it, as is, to someone who is after all of the parts, or someone who may be interested in cutting off the barrel and making a shooting carbine out of it. Then you can use the money, plus whatever more you can come up with, to buy an original rifle. They can still be found on the different auction sites, and at gun shows, sometimes for very reasonable prices if you are patient.
02-17-2015, 07:55
A parts gun is fine.
His sharps carbine, and 1861, 62, and 63 muskets are all original and he never shoots them. I want him to have something he can shoot.
Dick Hosmer
02-17-2015, 08:21
With all deference to Ray, in your situation, on a budget, I would recommend adding a piece to your stock, and finding an upper band, cleaning rod, tip, rod keeper, and band spring. The rifle itself appears sound, and, assuming the bore is decent, should make a fun shooter. DO visit The parts suppliers, especially Al Frasca, Red Daugherty, Ed Knisely, S&S, etc. are all good. The only firm I cannot recommend is Trapdoors Galore in Las Vegas. If you cannot find and original forend (saves shaping) there are sources for 98% ones ready to fit. You should be able to make it (look) right for under $250, less the bayonet - which could well be postponed.
Mark Daiute
02-20-2015, 07:10
i was in the same position a year org two ago and got a stock From Al Frasca. Don't rule that out.
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