View Full Version : Recommended Loads for 50-70 and Related Questions
Looking for suggestions for loads for a 1868 trapdoor (50-70).
Is pyrodex better than black powder? Do I need to drop the cases in water after firing, as when using BP?
I can get some Pyrodex Select from Midsouth Shooters, a backorder for Varget looks like it is filled, and they'll ship together.
I have Wolf's 45-70 book, but he never got his 50-70 book out. He advocates BP only.
Loading for a BP rifle is a whole new adventure. Tkacook has been a huge help.
Loads are all over the place at, or maybe I'm reading them wrong. There are some smokeless and duplex loads there, but I've also read warnings not to use either (or 777) in an original trapdoor.
I have an expansion die and a compression die coming from Buffalo Arms, as, I think, I'll need to compress either BP or Pyrodex, and expand the case slightly for the cast bullet.
Will pure lead work well for trapdoor bullets? I'm reading that I shouldn't use lead with antimony.
02-18-2015, 02:02
Pyrodex or blk pwd, you will have to experiment. (A lot).
Soft lead will mor than likely work the best, but again it's a trial and error.
As I'm sure you know, but I'll say it anyways.
N0 air space in side the case with can start with no compression and work into more powder compression a little at time.
Differert bullet styles and weights also is a variable to play with.
Alot of combinations.
Good luck
Clean the cases with a little vinegar in the water, then use dish soap in water and let them soak for a few hours. Rinse them well. Dry them on a paper towel. Mine last for a long time that way.
I agree. Soft lead is best.
Be careful to use non-sparking metals as much as possible when loading with black powder.
02-18-2015, 04:56
Many people have had corrosion problems with pyrodex, even after cleaning so I have always stayed away from it. I don't think I was ever able to get 70 gr of powder in a any of my
50-70 cases unless I seated a bullet as as far out as I could. Most of my loads used a standard 450 gr bullet, 60gr of 2FF or 3FFF if I couldn't get it, With a grease cookie between
two thin card wads. The load needed light compression to be a standard length. I haven't shot them in a while since I started playing with a british martini and a swiss vetterli.
In Thumper (1868 Trapdoor) I use 65grs Goex ffg in starline caes compressed so the Lee version of the 450gr Govt bullet can be seated to get a firm crimp over the base of the ogive. Bullet is cast of 30:1 lead to tin, measures about 0.515" diameter, and pan lubed with homemade BP lube with a thin card wad under the bullet. I think you will find the bullets cast much easier with a touch of tin than does pure lead and are still plenty soft. Also your rifle will likely be happier with a fat projectile of at least 0.515" diameter, hence the Lee mould as my version from Lyman casts about 0.512" and won't stay on the target at 50 yds. This load is close to the original and will work quite well in your rifle.
I use pure lead in my Lee mold and it has worked well for me. I also use 55 grains by volume of Pyrodex RS or Goex FFg and a fiber wad. Trust me, 55 grains is plenty. Real black powder is hard to find and I use it mostly in .45 colt. I would never use smokeless power in an original trapdoor. I have fired hundreds of rounds from my three 50-70 caliber rifles and never had a problem with Pyrodex causing problems. I do clean as soon as I get home from the range. The brass goes in a bucket with dish soap for a few minutes and then rinsed. I just purchased a Lyman sonic cleaner and it works great. Even brass I had been using for years comes out sparkling clean.
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