View Full Version : Loading Gates or work is slow nere in Maine

Mark Daiute
02-26-2015, 12:00
Loading Gates

in order:

Serial No. 9367, 113621, 119418 ( a carbine in 1899 clothing) and 120907, a carfle.

I tried to get the rifles in order in the album but failed, I hope the titles show up so you tell which gate goes with which serial number


9367 came to me with a bobbed stock, a headless cocking piece and a scope

113621 came to me bobbed all I've done to it (IIRC) is stretch it back out.

119418 is as it came to me with one excpetion and I'll keep that to myself. Near as I can tell it has not been mucked with and is a carbine that was returned to the arsenal and repaired as needed.

120 wears the scope and mount that came with 9367. I wish I had kept a diary now. The stock is a carbine stock from ebay, damned if I can remember how complete the receiver was when I put this rifle together so maybe that gate has othing to do with that receiver which kind of degrades this set of photos.

9367 has the handguard that does not cover the receiver. It has the remnants of an SWP cartouche on the starboard side of the wrist.