View Full Version : Important! M1a goof!
Richard H Brown Jr
04-03-2015, 08:49
Dear Ffolks:
Just a quick shout to everyone with a m1a.
Check your Springfield Armory commercial m1a: I just bought one in Feb (still haven't shot it yet). And was in a chat forum that mentioned that a batch of a certain new weird pistol, got out of the factory without the caliber being marked on the receiver.
For S&G's I pulled my m1a out to refresh the white china in the markings and was astounded to see that our dear Springfield Armory, Geneseo,IL seems to have goofed and left out the caliber markings on my Jan 2015 made one. OOOPS!
Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms -
§ 179.102 Identification of firearms.
.... if such designation has been made; the caliber or gauge .... (applicable bit quoted there.
Since It would be a shame for anyone to use the wrong caliber of ammo in the rifle... 'D'oh'
On the heel of the receiver 'US RIFLE M1A, SPRINGFIELD, ARMORY ®, SN' but no caliber markings!
Left a call with Springfield Armory, after hours, so Monday morning is gonna be interesting in the CEO's office and Q&A.
Col. Colt
04-04-2015, 12:02
I think SAI dropped the marking off the reciever heel a very long time ago, as the reciever could be made up as a .308, 7MM-08, or .243 Winchester, for export to countries that do not allow military calibers. You will, I would bet, find the caliber on the barrel - just like you would on a Model 70 Winchester.... CC
Richard H Brown Jr
04-04-2015, 04:52
Dear Col Colt:
Except for one thing Title 27 § 179.102
specifically states the caliber or gauge MUST be engraved on the receiver.
And if you were to have one rebarrelled and rechambered for another caliber, the gunsmith would HAVE to stamp the new caliber on the receiver iaw with the mentioned us statue.
I've seen rechambered surplus imports that have the new caliber stamped. Usually the old one is ground down and the new caliber stamped over it and reparked or reblued.
Did call and left a voice mail and emailed them about it. Lets see what happenes.
Ted Brown
04-04-2015, 11:31
While I don't recall the exact time or serial number that SA dropped the caliber designation, I seem to recall it was around the time of the Federal assault weapon ban, so over 20 years ago.
Phil McGrath
04-04-2015, 11:42
While I don't recall the exact time or serial number that SA dropped the caliber designation, I seem to recall it was around the time of the Federal assault weapon ban, so over 20 years ago.
Ted it was long before the crime bill started, for round numbers they dropped off the 7.62MM/mm around 63000.
Col. Colt
04-04-2015, 01:13
If ATF enforced the law as described, EVERY firearm would have it's original caliber stamped on the the reciever - and that is not done.
I think you may be quoting a law that is applied to imported surplus military weapons. Go to the gun store and look. Remington and Winchester stamp caliber designations on the BARRELS - not on the recievers - and always have, pretty much. The only thing on most recievers is the Serial Number, and, sometimes, the Model. Look at a new Colt 1911 -caliber is on the barrel, only. I worked in Firearms Retail and Gunsmithing for over seven years, and this was never an issue.
Interpretation of a law is up to ATF, and it appears they accepted that as long as the caliber is ON the Weapon, clearly visible, the intent of the law was met. Even shotguns, that have easily changable barrels, don't have the caliber stamped on the reciever. CC
That "5 line" heel marking, long discontinued by SAI, is a feature that makes the pre-63K SAI receivers desirable to shooters and collectors.
04-07-2015, 03:41
I'm sure bd1 is right. I thought it was near the 70k serial number that they dropped it. Mine in the 17k and 35k range have it. The ones in the 100k and beyond range do not.
The 70k range rifles were produced in 1992ish so as a 'goof' it's been going on for 23 years at least and they would have 150,000 or so to rework at this point. My JRA receivers are marked with 7.62.
However, I have purchased 2 of my SAI and 2 of my JRA as receivers only direct from the factory. They can be built into several calibers without modification to the receiver.
Richard H Brown Jr
04-08-2015, 06:02
M1A Goof Update:
Got a call from Springfield Armory in reply to the voice mail I left:
The *rifle* is clearly labeled as to caliber. You just have to pull the trigger group, remove the stock, op rod guide, spring, op rod, and look on the *BARREL* really close to where it mates with the receiver. ".308 WIN". Course it's the barrel manufacturer's stamped caliber markings, but "Eh, close enough for beancounters and freaking lawyers."
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