Rob W.
04-09-2015, 11:01
My bolt actions have been breeding and I need to thin the herd! I have 4 type 99 rifles in 7.7 cal and one 03-A3. The Arisakas are top to bottom 1) an Izawa Jyuko that was a bring back and has the duffle bag cut under the barrel band. Bolt matches but firing pin tip has been cut. Ground mum. Only $225. 2) Kokura Arsenal Ground mum. Has the anti-aircraft rear sight and cleaning rod. Bolt matches itself but not receiver. $275. 3) Tokyo Kogyo Ground mum, non-matching bolt. Wood buttplate. $250. 4) Tokyo Juki Kogyo. Non-matching bolt but has intact mum and anti-aircraft rear sight. $275.
All have normal bumps and dents and may be missing a screw or something else to make them not a museum collectible. But all should be good shooters. Add $25 shipping for each one to your C&R.
1903-A3 is a beautiful, new condition with what looks likes primarily Remington parts on a Nat. Ord. commercial receiver. The barrel is a RA 4-44 and gauges 0 wear on the muzzle gauge! Stock is a Remington in perfect shape with P proof and hieroglyphics but no RA FJA stamp. Metal is perfect. Some people say the receivers were made soft so I test fired 10 rounds through it and it performed great! Cheap enough that you could strip the parts if you wanted to. $550 plus $25 shipping to C&R. Email me at robkwood AT since I don't check my PMs very often.
All have normal bumps and dents and may be missing a screw or something else to make them not a museum collectible. But all should be good shooters. Add $25 shipping for each one to your C&R.
1903-A3 is a beautiful, new condition with what looks likes primarily Remington parts on a Nat. Ord. commercial receiver. The barrel is a RA 4-44 and gauges 0 wear on the muzzle gauge! Stock is a Remington in perfect shape with P proof and hieroglyphics but no RA FJA stamp. Metal is perfect. Some people say the receivers were made soft so I test fired 10 rounds through it and it performed great! Cheap enough that you could strip the parts if you wanted to. $550 plus $25 shipping to C&R. Email me at robkwood AT since I don't check my PMs very often.