View Full Version : Words are important
I think that I am just an old, cranky, geezer. But that said, it bothers me when people on forums don't use words properly. We have posts with "muzzle break." That little tube on the end of the barrel is there not to break the muzzle, but to brake the muzzle. Just like the brakes on your truck. Receivers are not healed, but they have heels. That's the back part. So you can have heel stamps, but I don't know if you can heal anything by stamping on it, so no heal stamps.
Effect is generally (but not always) a noun. Affect is generally (but not always) a verb.
They're means; they are. There means; a place. Their; means it belongs to them.
Please try a little. It would help me cut down on my drinking.
OK, rant is over, asbestos suit is on, fire away.
Some things just need to be said.
I know what you mean. I'm a landlubber who moved to the ocean and here people refer to the tides as mean tide, rip tide, and high tide.
To this day I have never seen the tide be mean to anyone. I have never seen the tide rip anyone to pieces. But I have seen the tide high after pot smokers threw their roaches into the ocean.
I stay up late at nights thinking about these things, too!
Griff Murphey
04-09-2015, 08:31
Also.... You pick a site for a range but a rifle has a sight.
Must go, I feel a need to Handel my Grand.
"Please try a little. It would help me cut down on my drinking."
Why would you want to do that?
Thanks for the housekeeping notes. Their, um there, I mean, they're helpful. :)
Richard Turner/Turner Saddlery
04-10-2015, 03:32
I know what you mean. I'm a landlubber who moved to the ocean and here people refer to the tides as mean tide, rip tide, and high tide.
To this day I have never seen the tide be mean to anyone. I have never seen the tide rip anyone to pieces.
You must have never watched Alabama Football. They're mean and they shred most teams, and this coming from an Auburn Fan. Their battle cry is "Roll Tide".
Richard Turner/Turner Saddlery
04-10-2015, 03:47
Don't know why, but I feel like I have something crawling up the back of my neck when I read or hear some refer to a Winchester as a Whinny and a Remington as a Remmy. It never seems to bother me when a Chevrolet is referred to as a Chevy.
Wha da ya meen? Wheez bin youzin de bes wurds der wuz. Ifin youz dunt getem den daz ur pablum.
Some things just need to be said.
The one that bothers me is when people type "your" instead of "you're".
We just were not all good in English. One reason why foreigner's find it so difficult is the amount of words pronounced the same but spelled differently to change meaning! As for the whinny and remmey, they just think they are being cute (like a 6 yr. old).
You're, your
Site, sight
Break, brake
Their, there, they're
Effect, affect
Sit, set
To, too
and others
It has to be tough on your folks with the kids today. All the texting has wrecked them. Rick B
Oh yes, almost forgot, as an old redleg
Fuse, fuze
Don't know why, but I feel like I have something crawling up the back of my neck when I read or hear some refer to a Winchester as a Whinny and a Remington as a Remmy. It never seems to bother me when a Chevrolet is referred to as a Chevy.+1
+1Forgot to add, Whinny is a sound a Horse makes, not a rifle.
WRA and RA are easier to type.
In spite of that Winny and Remmy are in vogue with the gay crowd.
Butt, butt, my edukashun aint as gud as urine might bee. Sorry my stoopidity annoys you. Hehehe
so if I told the joke:
A turkey vulture walks onto an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons.
The Flight Attendant says, "Sorry. Only one carrion per passenger."
...some may not "get it" ?
hee hee hee
I sometimes gets my "here" and my "hear" miscombobulated. sp?
Rough, tough, enough and dough.
One Sunday morning, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, we were sitting down to breakfast. Upon seeing the box on the countertop, I loudly asked "could I have a chocolate covered "duffnut" :icon_scratch:
Had to mop up a lot of coffee that morning and we still tell the story when we have "duffnuts" for breakfast. :icon_lol:
Keep the kids happy, they are the ones who will pick the Old Folks Home where you will spend your last days.
Ted Brown
04-10-2015, 11:41
Whatever... I'll drink to that!
Don't know why, but I feel like I have something crawling up the back of my neck when I read or hear some refer to a Winchester as a Whinny and a Remington as a Remmy. It never seems to bother me when a Chevrolet is referred to as a Chevy.
Me too Richard. It just sounds like something a cutesy talking effeminate man would say. How about those Springy's and Rocky's and Smithy's and Danny's or Wessy's? Like wearing Pink underwear with lace or something.
I'm bad about your and you're. I'm really not sure I get it. When I see a post that starts with My Winnie arrived today, I don't even open it.
04-10-2015, 05:12
I understand that proper nomenclature is important. That being said, I learned a great deal about firearm and knowledge in general from WW II Vets. I am sure that if I would have been critical of their use of language, they would not have shared much of anything with me. That would had been my loss.
It's all true and will never change. Nice try, though.
Then some need to be upset about Cartouche for a Commanders stamp or Gas Trap when in fact it is a Model 1936. Don't get me started on Tankers. Actually none of it bothers me and I can sleep at night thank God for not worrying about how people spell when I know what they mean. It must be a horrible life for some :) Rick B
04-11-2015, 06:31
Tides are: ebb, slack and flood
Don't know why, but I feel like I have something crawling up the back of my neck when I read or hear some refer to a Winchester as a Whinny and a Remington as a Remmy. It never seems to bother me when a Chevrolet is referred to as a Chevy.
And lets not forget the "tractor" rifle. Ugg
And lets not forget the "tractor" rifle. Ugg
Don't forget the typewriter rifles (Underwood and Corona) and the jukebox rifles (Rockola).
And lets not forget the "tractor" rifle. Ugg
Actually, the factory that made the so-called "tractor" rifles actually made the Kelvinator refrigerators!!
Only a very small corner of the huge factory was delegated to the making of the M1 rifle. --Jim
04-12-2015, 05:14
To be candid, I'm somewhat embarrassed by the fact that I can be so indignant about those who are less articulate than I am while, at the same time, have so little remorse over my own shortcomings in spelling and grammar. I suppose it's human nature, but it still strikes me as a character flaw. I should be less critical of others and put more effort into correcting my own deficiencies.
I have no such remorse, however, over my feelings about that the whole sophomoric "Winnie", "Remmie", "Springer" business. Do these people also have a collection of "Hello Kitty" products?
"...One reason why foreigner's find it so difficult..." You mean like armor and honor that are correctly spelt, in The Queen's English, armour and honour? snicker.
The there, their and they're, etc. thing is directly the responsibility of boards of education that permit kids to graduate or pass a grade when they cannot spell.
"...if you can heal anything by stamping on it..." Yes, you can. But it's illegal in most places. snicker.
04-12-2015, 11:17
"...One reason why foreigner's find it so difficult..." You mean like armor and honor that are correctly spelt, in The Queen's English, armour and honour? snicker.
The there, their and they're, etc. thing is directly the responsibility of boards of education that permit kids to graduate or pass a grade when they cannot spell.
"...if you can heal anything by stamping on it..." Yes, you can. But it's illegal in most places. snicker.
I once had a dog that came to heel when I stamped my right foot. Does that count?
Auto correct is the downfall of the English Language in written form.
04-15-2015, 08:53
And lets not forget the "tractor" rifle. Ugg
Don't forget the typewriter rifles (Underwood and Corona) and the jukebox rifles (Rockola).
Does that mean that my 91/30 can no longer be referred to as an "Izzy"?
Does that mean that my 91/30 can no longer be referred to as an "Izzy"?
No. That's as bad as Winnie,sounds like baby talk. Every time I see that I think of that little Izzy Pop.
04-17-2015, 06:27
Does that mean that my 91/30 can no longer be referred to as an "Izzy"?
Why not? And while we're at it, we can start referring to British rifles produced at ROF Fazakerly as "Fazzies" (or should that be "Fazers"?). :icon_rolleyes:
04-17-2015, 06:33
If Garands made by Winchester are "Winnies" and those made by Remington are "Remmies", but those made by the Springfield Armory are "Springers" (never seen them referred to as "Springies"), then should those manufactured by the Rock Island Arsenal be "Rockies" or "Rockers"?
04-17-2015, 12:09
If Garands made by Winchester are "Winnies" and those made by Remington are "Remmies", but those made by the Springfield Armory are "Springers" (never seen them referred to as "Springies"), then should those manufactured by the Rock Island Arsenal be "Rockies" or "Rockers"?
Ok, what about the Springchester and Winfield mix-masters?
04-18-2015, 10:26
Then there's "than" rather than "then". When "than" is used where "then" should be, than I would rather use "than" then "then". Than it would be more correct then "Than". When "than" is used for "then", than then is worse then than would be if then were used instead of than.
04-23-2015, 06:34
Hi. My name is Phillip and I despise the term Winnie, unless referring to a certain pooh bear.
That being said, in casual conversation today a friend said we should go spend a weekend in Miami. I told her I can't speak Spanglish
It was easier to type correctly before autocorrect....
04-25-2015, 11:27
Stupid should hurt
Indeed! The only cure seems to be pain...
When someone spells bullets as boolets it irks the heck out of me...... I understand why the guy named his website castboollets..... it let him use the word bullet in a method that could be protected under law......but when intelligent men intentionally use it , it is at best silly.
but heck I'm guilty of using country slang spellings & usage here all the time.........
04-26-2015, 05:51
When someone spells bullets as boolets it irks the heck out of me...... I understand why the guy named his website castboollets..... it let him use the word bullet in a method that could be protected under law......but when intelligent men intentionally use it , it is at best silly.
but heck I'm guilty of using country slang spellings & usage here all the time.........
Uh... looks like you misspelled the correct misspelling, to wit: "boolits" (sic) and "castboolits" (sic). One should be wrong correctly... or properly incorrect. No. That's not it...
..sounds like they irked your chain..
Griff Murphey
04-27-2015, 10:51
I was reading in the AMERICAN HUNTER, the doofuses who wrote the NY safe act wrote the law such that an illegal feature on guns under this draconian law is.... A MUZZLE "BREAK!"
That is invalid since there is no such thing. There are numerous other doofus mistakes in the law which was written hastily by antigun lawyers with no gun expertise at all.
04-30-2015, 06:47
How about '' I seen''? It's '' I saw'' or '' I have seen''. Oh yah, another'ne that sticks in my craw is '' prolly''. The word is '' probably''.
Stupid should hurt
Indeed! If it is sufficiently stupid it should win the Darwin Award. But don't get me started on that. We are now societally disposed to protect everyone from themselves, notwithstanding the lethality of their poor judgment.
05-10-2015, 07:37
The word I hate, and I use it out of habit and laziness is "YA" instead of yes. It always sounds like the person using it is barely acknowledging that you said something so that they can
start talking.
Latigo 1
05-10-2015, 01:05
I see people all the time write that they want to "sale thier rifle" instead of wanting to "sell" it. I always thought it was probably regional phonics at play.
05-11-2015, 01:28
I figure it's one of two things: either auto-correct, or, more likely, just plain laziness. It's second grade grammer.
06-01-2015, 06:33
Butt, butt, my edukashun aint as gud as urine might bee. Sorry my stoopidity annoys you. Hehehe
"Some people's kids; You can dress them up, but you can't take them out!
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