View Full Version : Question for swede mauser experts

04-17-2015, 06:52
I have an all matching crispy purpose built model 38 short rifle with an unusual stock disc that I have never seen before. It is brass. It is in the usual spot on the stock and it is attached with 4 brass nails. On the stock is a large M over the number 28 over 3 swedish crowns. I wish I knew how to post a photo here but I dont. Does anyone know what this disc means? I can e mail anyone interested a photo of it. Thanks in advance.

04-18-2015, 05:36
Do some research on Swed military designations, may be a unit mark? I have never paid close attention to these rifles at gun shows, have never heard of or seen such markings.

Clark Howard
04-18-2015, 07:52
The disc carries a record of the bore condition found during the last arsenal inspection.

04-18-2015, 10:50
No this one is different. There is no bore data only the description that was given. Thanks anyway.

04-18-2015, 03:06
Dutchman has a photo on http://dutchman.rebooty.com/disc.html listed as "Unknown disc mounted on 1905 m/96 in my collection.".

Photo http://dutchman.rebooty.com/images/disc22.jpg

This site also has information about the different disks.


04-18-2015, 05:27
I saw that site. But there has to be someone who knows what the markings mean.

04-19-2015, 12:06
I think some of the Swedes were issued to game wardens, foresters, and other non-military outfits. I had a Swede once that had what looked for all the world like a brass USFS shield set in where the disc usually sits.

Somewhere there has to be a book on all the Swedish M96 and 38 variations.


04-21-2015, 03:23
I bought the Doug Bowser book when I first purchased a swedish Mauser. Upon reviewing the info., I see no reference to anything resembling the disk described above. However, I do love a challenge, so I will continue looking.30628

04-24-2015, 05:45
Didn't the Finns buy a bunch of Swede rifles when fighting the Russkies ?
Could be a Finn disc ?

04-24-2015, 06:31
I just found out what it is. A guy from another site said it is a disc for a navy rifle issued to a naval mine sweeper. The M stands for Minesweeper and the 28 is the ship number. Thanks for every ones input on this mystery.

John Sukey
04-25-2015, 10:28
If it's still available, the definitive book is "Crown Jewels", The Mauser in Sweden by Dana Jones
Collector Grade Publictions

elfego baca
12-15-2015, 05:22
33548I went to the local library and used their INTERLIBRARY loan service and received this book.
A good read for a swedish Mauser fan!