View Full Version : Hornady .270 American Whitetail
05-20-2015, 01:32
I am going to help a friend reload some once fired Hornady American WHITETAIL Interlock cartridges. Trying to stay with the 130 grain Interlock bullet. I can't seem to find the bullet for reloading. If it's not available , would someone suggest a good 130 grain bullet that would compare to the Interlock. Would like to stay in the range the original cartridges were sold. I don't shoot .270 , I stay with the 30.06 and 25.06 The 25.06 was made by local gunsmith in 1967 on a Mauser action.:usa2:
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Matt Anthony
05-21-2015, 03:05
The Barnes 130 gr. TSX BT in my opinion is comparable comparableif not superior to the Hornady bullet. Powder Valley has them in stock as of this morning.
05-21-2015, 01:03
05-21-2015, 01:14
Thanks, just was nnot knowlegable of current compomets for .270..
Ahh Hell, on wifes Pad and I'm not doing to well I key one letter and it prnts something else.......
I want try this agaim... Lolololo
05-21-2015, 07:02
Graf and Sons show 130gr Hornady in stock, choice of SST, regular spire point (should be interlock), or GMX.
05-22-2015, 10:04
Thanks madsenshooter, will take a look. I had a rough time trying to use a I pad or a NOOK or something last night. I won't try that a gain. I'll stay on the key board. :banana100: Broke off the point of my LYMAN universal deprimer this AM and could not find a replacement . Called LYMAN and a lady asked my address and email and telephone nbr and said, " the rod part will be shipped out today no charge". Also it only cost $3.95 if Iever needed
thanks again
American WHITETAIL ammo uses a Hornady 130 grain SP. Hornady SKU: 2730.
A TSX is a solid. Ain't the same thing.
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