View Full Version : January 13th, 1899 A Krag Moment

05-24-2015, 10:11
From Boys of '98 - A HISTORY - Tenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry page 59

Then target practice, that every soldier looks forward to longingly, was taken up. A fine
range, with nine targets, was constructed and under the direction of Lieutenant Nolan, of Gen.
McKibbon's staff, one company a day from two regiments would shoot, the other regiment furnishing
the scores. At first the shooting was done with the old Springfields. but when on the
13th of January the brand new Krag-Jorgensens arrived the regiment was just happy. Next to
seeing actual fighting, the issue of the U. S. 30-calibre rifle to a regiment is about the highest
honor that could be conferred upon it.

05-24-2015, 10:29
'CJCulpeper': Where was the 10th OVI stationed on January 13, 1899?

05-24-2015, 01:25
They arrived at Augusta, Ga., November 13-14, 1898 to a camp a mile from the train station originally called Camp Young but was later re-named to Camp Ronald S. Mackenzie according to the History. They mustered out on March 23rd at Augusta. They were in federal service for about nine months.