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View Full Version : CMP Match 2-21-2010, Linden Michigan

rifle guy
01-31-2010, 08:07
The first event on the 2010 CMP schedule at Linden Sportsmen Club is set for February 21st, 2010. "The Korean War Memorial Frozen Chosin". This is a sanctioned CMP match however shooters wishing to fire rifles such as AR15's, M1A's, etc. are as always welcome to join us on line. This will be a "No Alibi" match. Also, due to ammunition availability LSC will no longer have issue ammuniton for our events so as a result shooters will need to furnish their own safe ammo.

The temprature will likely be cold, it may even snow but it will for sure be a good time. A warming tent will be up on line and we'll have hot chilli and coffee.

Dust off those rifles and join us to shake off some cabin fever!!!
Linden Sportsmen Club
The Korean War Memorial
”Frozen Chosin”
CMP G, S, M Rifle Match

Location: Linden Sportsmen Club Date: February 21, 2010 Registration: 9:00 AM
14323 Hogan Rd Start: 10:00 AM
Linden Mi. 48451

Eligible Rifles: M1 Rifle, 1941 Johnson, Springfield & Vintage Rifles, M1 Carbine, and all
other service rifles. CMP rule 9.5.2 applies.

Safety: Eye & Ear protection required, ECI’s mandatory.

Match Fee: $15.00. Competitors may fire additional matches for $10.00 each.

Ammunition: No ammunition will be available for sale. Competitors may fire any safe

Loaner Rifles: A few club rifles are available, first come first served, at no charge.
However, competitors using club loaners MUST USE CLUB AMMUNITION
at $10.00 per match.

Course of Fire: Garand Match A Course of Fire with SR-1 targets.

Sighters: up to 5 rounds in 5 minutes.
Slow Prone: 10 rounds in 10 minutes.
Rapid Prone from Standing: 10 rounds in 80 seconds, reload required.
Offhand (Standing): 10 rounds in ten minutes.

Awards: CMP Achievement Pins will be awarded for appropriate scores.

Contacts: John Johannes Don Sorenson
810-938-0668 810-394-9688
jjiscmi@msn.com dps123@comcast.net

Linden Sportsmen Club

Hope to see you on line,

rifle guy @ LSC