View Full Version : Where is everybody?

Major Tom
07-23-2015, 03:09
No new threads in ages. I look on the 1911 Forum (on another website) and I see hundreds of people on that site.

07-23-2015, 03:35
Good question, This site seems to be pretty slow lately.

07-23-2015, 03:41
To be honest, there is a Facebook group for Colt/Military 1911's that is on fire.


07-23-2015, 06:02
Everything does seem to be transitioning to facebook.

Major Tom
07-24-2015, 05:25
IMHO, facebook sucks. If you post stuff there, who knows who is reading it. Can be said same for here too. But, facebook is monitored by guvment agencies.

07-24-2015, 05:55
Well there is little talk/questions here about guns anymore. It has turned into a political forum. (with some pretty extreme views) When is the last time someone posted a gun picture here?

Clark Howard
07-24-2015, 06:09
Most of the folks that inhabit this forum understand that unless we rectify the political situation, there will be no guns to talk about. There is also a faction that realizes that the dems are following gun boards and taking notes. The younger gun enthusiasts prefer social media and talking about the name brand accessories that they are hanging on their guns. In addition, many of the older guys are disposing of their collections and losing interest in answering the newby questions that seem obvious to many. Regards, Clark

07-24-2015, 07:38
I have also noticed that with this board and even CMP. There has not been a lot of activity for some time now. M14 forum is always busy, checked new posts the other day and in approximately 24 hours there were six full pages. Hopefully everyone is out shooting and enjoying the hobby. Surprisingly there is been very little on Camp Perry other than Paul's posting. Even on the CMP forum there has been very little discussion of the matches. To me that is very surprising.

08-20-2015, 06:42
I used to post on here all the time. Eventually I got tired of chasing threads across multiple forums and settled on reading just a couple. To be honest I seem to see the same names floating around regardless of forum, and often the same subjects as well.

08-23-2015, 05:30
I used to post on here all the time. Eventually I got tired of chasing threads across multiple forums and settled on reading just a couple. To be honest I seem to see the same names floating around regardless of forum, and often the same subjects as well.

That and "what's my daddy's pistol worth..." and arguments afterwards when the poster is informed it's a refinished mix master shooter that isn't worth slightly less than the crown jewels.

Yes, FB sucks.

08-23-2015, 07:28
I'm here but not much to post about. Raining around here and i don't shoot in the rain.

10-11-2015, 07:14
I used to post on here all the time. Eventually I got tired of chasing threads across multiple forums and settled on reading just a couple. To be honest I seem to see the same names floating around regardless of forum, and often the same subjects as well.

That and "what's my daddy's pistol worth..." and arguments afterwards when the poster is informed it's a refinished mix master shooter that isn't worth slightly less than the crown jewels.

Yes, FB sucks.

I don't visit as often as I used to, and really only lurk in this section,

but I do agree, it seems folks hit multiple forums and ask the same question, and sometimes get the same answer,,,,,,

and not a facebook person either,

of course, the forum has changed quite a bit, I was a regular on the old smallbore forum, but never made the transition to milsurps, but did come back here when it started back up,

not often tho,, maybe I need to change that