View Full Version : Winchester build for 49th anniversary.
Just put together a rifle using one of James River/Bula receivers with the original Winchester heel. This is very close to what I used in RVN in 1967.
Bula bolt and trigger group.
Criterion SAKO NM medium weight copy
Rest of the parts are from one of my CMP A Winchester kits from past.
Stock is USGI again from CMP 35 dollar stock.
Took her out for a test fire after build. Without changing a thing, point of aim = point of impact at 100yds with rear sight bottomed out and rear sight centered.
Bula trigger has nice take up and very sharp 2nd stage release.
My day has been made. ( ( (
Semper Fi
Phil McGrath
08-18-2015, 09:33
Looks nice Art but is the rear handguard clip snapped down all the way? Start collecting those OM mags.
08-18-2015, 09:42
Looks great!! Congrats!!
Looks nice Art but is the rear handguard clip snapped down all the way? Start collecting those OM mags.
It is now. Thanks for noticing Phil. I had it off a number of times to relieve the stock contact just before the photos.
John L. Lucci
08-18-2015, 08:50
Just put together a rifle using one of James River/Bula receivers with the original Winchester heel. This is very close to what I used in RVN in 1967.
Bula bolt and trigger group.
Criterion SAKO NM medium weight copy
Rest of the parts are from one of my CMP A Winchester kits from past.
Stock is USGI again from CMP 35 dollar stock.
Took her out for a test fire after build. Without changing a thing, point of aim = point of impact at 100yds with rear sight bottomed out and rear sight centered.
Bula trigger has nice take up and very sharp 2nd stage release.
My day has been made. ( ( (
Semper Fi
How did they integrate the Winchester heel??? Is it welded on??
08-18-2015, 11:30
How did they integrate the Winchester heel??? Is it welded on??
That is correct and this all has the ATF's blessing. The real serial number is on a receiver leg, along with James River on the right side.
Griff Murphey
08-27-2015, 05:10
An absolute beauty.
Major Tom
08-30-2015, 07:33
I looked at James River website and did not find any info on how to order such a receiver. Do you mind telling us the price of having a reciever made like that?
I looked at James River website and did not find any info on how to order such a receiver. Do you mind telling us the price of having a reciever made like that?
It was less than a grand for the receiver. I understand that they may not do any more. There were a few of the typical complainers that seemed to think these should be perfect with no trace of the weld. Then if it wouldn't go together like an AR, the moaning started. You know the story of the internet. It takes a hundred folks saying nice things to make up for one negative nincompoop. Personally, I enjoy a little fitting here and there. Makes me feel like I have done something. Just over 300 rnds through Macaroni so far and not a problem one. I congratulate James River Armory and Mark for a job well done. They are appreciated by most that have seen one.
Semper Fi
Semper Fi
08-30-2015, 06:30
The receivers that were sent back were reported as having poor welds, porous welds and crooked rear assemblies...that caused noticeably canted rear sights. The cost of creating these patched up receivers most certainly exceeded what they were selling for. Non starter if you want to make money.
quantico, 1968, 224x25o.. a possible @ the 500
no brag, just fact.
Took you two M-14's to do it?
Took you two M-14's to do it?
08-31-2015, 08:37
What do all the "It's not all matching!!" whining, crying, sobbing purists say about this piece? :^)
What do all the "It's not all matching!!" whining, crying, sobbing purists say about this piece? :^)
Who gives a flying fart in a windstorm? I put it together for my own satisfaction. I only share the photos for those that approve. Others are welcome to keep their pie hole shut. Or not. It's is a free world because of those that have served, is it not? Respect can only be earned, not demanded. That is of coarse unless I carry a bigger stick.
09-04-2015, 11:36
Who gives a flying fart in a windstorm? I put it together for my own satisfaction. I only share the photos for those that approve. Others are welcome to keep their pie hole shut. Or not. It's is a free world because of those that have served, is it not? Respect can only be earned, not demanded. That is of coarse unless I carry a bigger stick.
Good answer! Nothing tickles the crap out of me more than taking my so-called "parts guns" out to the range, and whipping everyone with them. I love scouring parts bins and finding treasures here and there and then scabbing together a gun that shoots and shoots. I sure like the looks of your piece, even though it is not "historically correct," as some will moan.
Progression of Frankensteen/Macaroni. This is now all Winchester except the front half of the receiver which was produced by our friends at Bula Forge. Thanks Jeff. And thanks to Mark Hartman at James River for gluing the halves together. It is going to be a very good year.
Only thing left from the first set up is the receiver. Now sporting A kit with barrel and bolt from super gent in Oklahoma. ( ( (
Semper Fi
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Semper Fi
Very nice, thanks for posting the pictures. I don't see a problem with the put together pieces as long as the firing pin retraction timing is in spec.
Nice job. Good work!! I like it!
Major Tom
01-03-2016, 06:08
Really awesome! Makes me drool, wait, I drool most of the time, comes from being old I guess. 8-)
Thanks guys. I am having a ball. Going out to shoot her again in a little bit. Just waiting for the temp to get above freezing.
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