View Full Version : S&w 38/44 hd
I stumbled upon this a while back in a small gunshop. It's a S&W 38/44 Heavy duty 38 special. It being an N frame, shooting 38 special ammo is like shooting a 22cal. It's an outstanding shooter and quite accurate. Here's a few pics. Rich. 3211432113
WOW! Great find, wish It were mine.
it appears to be the original nickle finish... the hammer & trigger are both rightfully color case hardened. Can you list some more detailed & close up pix? Is it matching #'s? barrel flat, butt.. etc? Pay no attention to the assembly number.. it will differ. Wht is the serial# ?
5 screw or 4 screw?
added :
barrel length?,any box, tools. papers, history?
congrats hand.
That's an interesting gun. The nickel does look like it's probably original. The later model service grips look too late for a revolver with that humpback hammer but I could of course be wrong.
The 38/44s were made for the .38 Special High Velocity cartridge which was a precursor to the .357 Magnum. It was sort of an early +P or +P+ load. Back in the late '70s the range officer in my office gave me a box of Remington 158 gr. round nose .38 Special HVs. I still have a couple left. Those things would absolutely clear your sinuses. I shot some through my Model 15 and it didn't seem to hurt it but the muzzle blast and recoil were both fierce.
Art is right on the stocks.... my guess is that at least they should sport diamond stocks... If you post detailed pics on the correct board on the:
you'll get answers to any question you might have on this old girl... I'd pick up the correct grips for her if I was you... the fellas there well tell you which ones to get...congrats again.. As Art pointed out, I wouldn't use Plus P ammo in her... I save that for carry/duty pistols only... there is no reason to shoot it thru a collector grade handgun...
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