View Full Version : Trip to the range.

08-26-2015, 12:44
Went to Sac Valley Shooting Center a few weeks back to check zero on my rifles and to try out some handloads for the vintage military silhouette match next week.

I usually shoot either a Persian or an '09 Argentine Mauser that were d&t'd by the previous owners. I ended up putting Bushnell 10x40 3200 scopes on them.


Both rifles did well. I used the 300 yard range and started at 220 yards (200 meters), to get a good zero for the chickens.

After a few scope corrections, the Argentine did pretty well with handloads @ 200 meters...


The Persian wasn't quite as good as the Argentine at 200 meters


But made up for it by shooting a smaller group at 300 yards than it did at 220...


I also took my son's K31 to shoot some handloads in it. It doesn't have a scope, and the stock is a little beaten up, but it shoots well.


200 yard military match target @200 meters


08-27-2015, 09:56
That's pretty decent shooting, there. It always surprises shooters that these old milsurps are often more accurate than their high dollar RemWinBy. I do think that the 8x57 likes a somewhat fast-burning powder - I use 4895 in mine. It's also interesting when you think about all the fuss that has been made over free-floating barrels and how that is the only way to build an accurate rifle.


08-27-2015, 10:51
That's pretty decent shooting, there. It always surprises shooters that these old milsurps are often more accurate than their high dollar RemWinBy. I do think that the 8x57 likes a somewhat fast-burning powder - I use 4895 in mine. It's also interesting when you think about all the fuss that has been made over free-floating barrels and how that is the only way to build an accurate rifle.


I think a lot of the reason the old milsurps do better is because the RemWinBy guy all want a featherweight barrel, preferably fluted.

08-27-2015, 11:46
That's pretty decent shooting, there. It always surprises shooters that these old milsurps are often more accurate than their high dollar RemWinBy. I do think that the 8x57 likes a somewhat fast-burning powder - I use 4895 in mine. It's also interesting when you think about all the fuss that has been made over free-floating barrels and how that is the only way to build an accurate rifle.


Thanks, jon

I agree about the faster burning powders...I use IMR 4064 in my 8x57's and have been pleased with the results.

I think a lot of the reason the old milsurps do better is because the RemWinBy guy all want a featherweight barrel, preferably fluted.

There is truth in that, but the old military barrels are fairly narrow profiles also.

Major Tom
08-29-2015, 12:40
My old WW2 German infantry rifle in 8mmx57 kicks like a mule. Love it tho.

08-30-2015, 04:04
My old WW2 German infantry rifle in 8mmx57 kicks like a mule. Love it tho.

I had a 98K that someone had bubba'd the stock in attempt to sporterize it. It kick also like a mule. However, I had an old shotgun recoil pad laying around and since the stock was already cut down.........I put that recoil pad on it. Tamed that rifle right down. Using surplus 8 MM ammo, I used it as a plinker. Shoot a 100 or so rounds out of it in a day was a normal days plinking at an old trash pit where we used to shoot many moons ago. Wish I had never sold it. If I find another may try to recreate it.

08-30-2015, 04:30
Re: K-98 kick. Yep! That thing does rear up a bit! With 8mm heavy ball, it is impressive on both ends! Behind the buttplate recoil can be grim after about 100 rounds have been fired. One the other end I can say by experience that if you are firing standard ball at a target nailed to a large pine... say 30-32 inches in diameter, you will soon punch a hole all the way through said tree... and that if you happen to be standing around later drinking a Coke, you may get to watch it fall down. Who'd of thought it?!!! Sincerely. bruce.

08-31-2015, 07:12
My sons and I shoot in the monthly vintage military silhouette match at Sacramento Valley Shooting Center. My reloads consist of a 200 gr Nosler Custom Competition and a fairly stiff load of IMR 4064. The recoil is stout, but I appreciate the knock down power at 550 yards on those 60 lb Rams. I haven't "rang" a ram yet with it.

Here is a pic of the range...


09-01-2015, 01:18
That looks like a great range!!

09-01-2015, 08:19
That looks like a great range!!

Sacramento Valley Shooting Center is one of the best in California...everything from 25 yard pistol to 1000 yard rifle ranges...and most things in between.

Aerial view:


09-01-2015, 08:29
"'I think a lot of the reason the old milsurps do better is because the RemWinBy guy all want a featherweight barrel, preferably fluted.

There is truth in that, but the old military barrels are fairly narrow profiles also.

I used to think that until I had a Douglas #3 "medium sporter" barrel put on a Mexican Mauser. That is what they used to call a semi-bull barrel. When I fitted a nice Swede stock to that gun the barrel was loose in the channel, way more so than a standard step barrel.

I've noticed on a lot of those old long rifles, once you get them good and hot they will just put one shot after another into practically the same hole. Too bad that's such a great way to shoot out those old mild steel barrels!
