View Full Version : m1d windage problem

09-04-2015, 01:46
so I finished my m1d build (numrich bbl, scope and mount) and tried to sight it in.
irons were essentially right on w/+8 elevation and 1 right for windage at 100 yrds
scope was good for elevation where it was, but could not get the windage to come left enough to center because I ran out of clicks.
at full left, I still need to come 3.5" left to center up at 100.
any suggestions as to what to do?
I called numrich, but no one answered the phone, even though it was within normal business hours.

k arga
09-04-2015, 05:40
is your mount seated correctly in the block, may have to add or remove metal to shift the scope. try shimming with some paper.

09-04-2015, 09:12
Have you tried loosening the slotted nut on the top of the M84 windage knob? Its possible to loosen the nut then raise the knob and turn it then retighten the nut to gain more windage. Lets us know if you need more detail or pics.

George in NH
09-11-2015, 10:55
I would like to add that the proper spanner wrench or tool is required to loosen the nut before the knob can be lifted to gain more windage. The tool can be made by altering a screw driver blade with a dremel. The same goes for the elevation knob. George in NH