View Full Version : Colt 39070 Pics (Finally)!!

George in NH
09-11-2015, 10:26
Hi All,
I have been successful in getting pics to my album on my profile page. As time is limited for fun, I have, as yet, to study how to post pics to a thread. I would ask that the usual fine people on the 1911 thread take the time to look at my pics. I now see where there are shadows in some pics that do not allow some details to be clearer. Anyone that would like better pics, kindly let me know and I will work on that. Yours in fellowship,
George in NH

Duane Hansen
09-12-2015, 07:27
I don't see any pictures?.......

Rob Greer
09-12-2015, 12:42
Duane... Click on his profile, and go to his page. There is a link for photos there (which I didn't even know existed.)

George... How about a couple pictures of the entire gun?

09-12-2015, 01:43
Well I'll be darned. I didn't know you could do that.

09-12-2015, 02:15
New to me!

09-12-2015, 06:34
"George... How about a couple pictures of the entire gun?" And George, howz about a pic of the 'starboard" side of this Navy. Thanks, C

Johnny P
09-13-2015, 06:09
Eight photos of left side of slide, but only one of right side and it cropped off the area where the only marking would be.

George in NH
09-13-2015, 08:17
Thanks for the tips everyone! I hope to take more pics using your remarks and post to my album. Would anyone like more or closer detail?? George in NH