View Full Version : Here I go again, Krag in auction s/n dont jive.....

09-14-2015, 07:44
Auction here on Thursday with a bunch of good old stuff advertised. Check out
www.auctionzip.com and search Mark Ferry, Guns, Ligonier Pa. Anything like that and you should be able to find it.
Anyway I been looking for a Krag carbine and there is a model 1898 listen, s/n 478342, as on a flyer picked up at a gun show.
But my book dont list any Krags in that range??
Maybe a bad book, but seems pretty good? Its the Joe Poyer book.
There are a few guns on there I'd like as I try and accumulate anything Springfield. I dont say collect cause my wife says we cant afford to be collectors, so I am an accumulator.
Now the bad news is, I am already committed elsewhere Thursday evening and cant go to this auction!!
But I may be able to go look at them before I have to leave?
But please, any explanations on that serial number??
Thanks as always you guys are the bestes'

Dick Hosmer
09-14-2015, 08:03
Consider yourself fortunate that will be missing it - you would have made a big mistake - an 1898 carbine must be between (roughly, for the nitpickers) 112-135K.

That is made quite clear in Poyer - don't know why you had any problem.

I DO commend you for asking beforehand!

There is NO one dumber, in my mind, than the person who comes to a forum like this and says: "Hi guys, I just bought a XXXXXX, I don't know anything about them, did I get a good deal?"

09-14-2015, 10:51
Thanks for the response. Perhaps I didnt make myself clear enough?
I did indeed see in my POYER book that a 1898 Krag should be somewhere in the 113000 thru 139000 range. And that the number listed fot this supposed "carbine" is 478342, therefore not a 1898 carbine.
But then I have to ask, is that s/n even a Krag serial number at all.
On page239 of the Poyer book it lists s/n's. The only thing I see close are 22cal Galery Rifles. And they dont go that high??
Am I reading something wrong??
That number doesnt seem to be a carbine or a rifle??
Thanks as always

Dick Hosmer
09-14-2015, 11:51
Also, on 239: M1898 Rifle to 476045(1) (1) approximate

The numbers actually go to about 489000, so - yes, it is a perfectly valid Krag number.

More receivers were made than rifles, and some high numbers show up on overhauled guns, which is apparently the case with my 482440 which has a 1902 cartouche.