View Full Version : Remington '03 Question

Marty T.
09-28-2015, 07:47
I have a Remington '03 in the 3,272,XXX range. Read an article lately (can't remember where) that this is in the range of a changeover in production style. All finishes look good and stock has FJA with crossed cannons stamp. I would post pics if I knew how, wife does, but she is really not interested in doing it. I could "make her" (right) but that might be couple days. Anyway, I was wondering if this makes the rifle a little more, for lack of a better word, rarer than most Remingtons. If you need any more info, I'll let you know, but I have not taken the rifle apart to check markings due to its being in such good condition. Thanks.

Rick the Librarian
09-29-2015, 05:07
You may be discussing the so-call "Remington M1903 (Modified)", which is sometimes used as a collector term to describe later Remington M1903s. This is incorrect, because the Army described the whole series as "Modified".

Actually, there were changes made throughout the whole series of M1903s - think of those computer graphics that show a lamb gradually turning into a lion (or vice-versa) and you have the picture.

The one thing that would make your rifle "rarer" is if it is in original condition and parts and with original finish. To tell would either take pictures posted or at least a very detailed description. A 3,270,000 range Remington is not particularly rare, by and of itself.