View Full Version : Need the experts to identify my M97 Trench Gun.
11-07-2015, 12:33
Let me start by saying that this forum is incredible many great people her with vast knowledge. Ok so a litte back story I have known this older gentleman for about 10 years( By way of computer work I do for him) who is a retired DC police officer and I guess during the DC riots he had to provide his own shotgun which he purchased from a pawn shop around 1970 and has been sitting in his closet since he retired. When he brought it out to show to me after we had been discussing our love of WW2 history I fell in love with the shotgun and had to have it, but after reading many different threads on here about the shotguns I quickly realized that there is a lot of variations and that I would need some experts advice.
The first thing I may found out the stock had been replaced there are none to be found and the but plate has no Winchester logo but the rest I hope is right, also I was concerned about the serial number being so high. Serial is E 954977 so I included some picks and any info someone could provide about when the gun was made and if it ever saw action in the Pacific. One more thing if I wanted to get the bayonet for this would that be the M1917. Thanks very very much
11-07-2015, 05:38
No idea on variation. But m1917 bayonet would be correct for it.
James B.
11-08-2015, 08:21
The serial number is within the range of WWII M97 Trenchguns. It looks like a late contract gun that was assembled with a riot gun barrel since it has what looks like a magazine band indexing mark on the barrel. That's the little pinch mark on the barrel just below the third handguard hole from the front. Is there a filled in sight bead hole visible on the barrel in front of the bayonet adapter? That's also indicative of a riot barrel. The US & bomb marks look OK as far as I can tell; can't tell if they have been buffed or polished in a refinish. Any markings on the heatshield/bayonet adapter? You could probably find the correct stock for it at some point although you may have to buy a donor gun to get it. Good luck.
James B.
That is incorrect. Most all of the guns in that serial range have the front site hole, filled with a German Silver plug. If you look at it with a glass, you can see where the milling marks on the barrel continue right through the site plug.
The stock is correct, you can tell by looking at the inletting for the swivel. There does not appear to be a cartouche, so presumably the stock was sanded when the butt plate was replaced. This is common, as they often broke in service. The Feds used a metal replacement buttplate, however it it happened in civilian life anything could be on there.
Usually the barrels do not show the "pinch marks", but on a very late gun like this it could be parts cleanup. The mag tube looks correct from the pics.
I think it is a real trench gun with a sanded stock. At least, that is what I can see from the pics.
11-09-2015, 06:44
Thank you very much for the information and you are correct there is no cartouche and is one of the reasons I thought the stock had been replaced. I was also wondering what do you mean by parts clean up Im still trying to learn all this stuff. I wanted to mention also that I paid 700 for the gun and do you think that was reasonable though I will keep it forever or at least till I'm dead:icon_lol: I added a few more pictures of the butt plate and the sight bead I never even noticed the fill hole. Also for James question I can find no markings or anything on the bayonet lug. Thank you all again for the info I love the history part of this.
11-09-2015, 06:46
I forgot ask do you know what year this may have been made. Thanks
That appears to be the metal buttplate that was generally used by the military to replace the plastic when it broke.
The filled sight hole is not right, it does not appear to be a trench barrel.
Parts cleanup means at the end of a contract sometimes they just take any remaining parts on hand and use them, since they don't want to make any more parts for a dead contract. However, the way the hole is filled is not normal, so quite possibly someone rebuilt the gun with a riot barrel at some point.
However, it is pretty much a legit gun.
11-09-2015, 08:18
This is good info thank you, I'm still a little confused please forgive me so does that mean that the barrel was put on after the war? and is the barrel and mag tube separate parts and why did they put the ordinance stamp and the initials stamp on the barrel, I guess I'm thinking the riot guns where used by civilians only is that not correct I sound like an 6 year old with all the question. lol
Tom Doniphon
11-09-2015, 09:25
Your shotgun was made in 1943, probably March of that year.
11-10-2015, 11:04
Thank you very much thats awesome.
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